The Book of Lights (Book 0/13; Chapters 0-12):

The Monad and the Demiurges

Here is the chapter of the Monad from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Nought/Thirteen); the BOLD words refer to the relevant cards in the Major Arcana of the Primordial Tarot, as they are named today, or (in Phoenix, Flower and Diamond) reconstructed:

0/13: We are emptiness, We are fullness; We are holy wholeness. We are fully transcendental; We are the inmost center of all beings (FOOL). Twenty-four are Our Elders: Twelve Spiritual Demiurges serve Our central coven, and twelve Archangels rule the twelve outer covens of the Angels of manifest creation.
1: We are colorless, beyond the mind-built space and time; We are color-full, the eternal here and now of the radiant Self, imaged in the Spiritual Creator (STRENGTH) and in the Archangelic Seraph Micheal, the World-Constellation (SUN).
2: We are beyond the aether and without name; We are the inner name of all, echoed in the Spiritual Magician (TWINS) and in the Archangelic Cherub Eremiel, the Name of the World (STAR).
3: We are beyond the airs of action; We are the loving compassion of right action suspending all in the perfect balance of dynamic relationship, projected in the Spiritual HIGH PRIEST and in the Archangelic Throne Anachiel, the Ark-Gift of the WORLD.
4: We transcend the fires of mortal life; We are the inward fire of all animation, enlivened in the Spiritual Hunter-Warrior (EMPEROR) and in the Archangelic Dominion Zadochiel, the Dragon of the World (DEVIL).
5: We are beyond the electric fire of growth; We are the inward flowering of all subtle forms, expressed in the Spiritual Planter (JUSTICE) and in the Archangelic Virtue Uriel, the FLOWER of the World.
6: We are beyond the gravitational limits of dense matter; We are the organizing structure in all matter, lying within the Spiritual Smith (HERMIT) and in the Archangel Gwriel or Gabriel, the Alchemical Grail of the World (DEATH).
7: We are beyond the levity of the dense body; We are incarnate in the crystalline body, dwelling in the Spiritual Mason (WHEEL OF FORTUNE) and in the Archangel Rwkael, the DIAMOND of the World.
8: We are beyond the magnetic waters of the subtle body; We weave the subtle body, branching in the Spiritual Forester (HANGED MAN) and in the Archangelic Virtue Shaishunael, the Tree of the World (TEMPERANCE).
9: We are beyond the salt waters of the dense soul; and the dense soul is Our egg, reposing in the Spiritual Fowler (EMPRESS) and in the Archangelic Power Aurael, the PHOENIX of the World.
10: We are beyond the dawn of the subtle soul; and the subtle soul is Our love, perfected in the Spiritual Diviner (HIGH PRIESTESS) and in the Archangelic Throne Rathael or Raphael, the Treasure-TOWER of the World.
11: We are beyond the binding of dense spirit; and the dense spirit is Our song, woven in the Spiritual Enchanter (MAGICIAN) and in the Archangelic Cherub Iofael, the Song of the World (LAST JUDGEMENT).
12: We are mindless and bodiless, beyond the subtle spirit; and the subtle spirit is Our sphere of knowledge; reflected in the Spiritual Scholar (CHARIOT and in the Archangelic Seraph Myrrhael, Wisdom-Sphere of the World (MOON); Whose central planets are Earth and Pluto.

The modern numbering of the Major Arcana allows for an oddly beautiful pattern when laid out on the Taurus-Equinox Zodiac wheel described above: first a double helix (of four turns) for the first twelve Arcana (the Demiurges) following the central (unnumbered) FOOL; then the final twelve Arcana (the Archangels) proceeding around the circle in zodiacal sequence.
Thus: 0 (Fool) in Center; I (Magician) in Isis-Virgo; II (High Priestess) in Proserpina-Taurus; III (Empress) in Neptune-Scorpio; IV (Emperor) in Mars-Aries; V (High Priest) in Venus-Libra; VI (Lovers) in Mercury-Gemini; VII (Chariot) in Moon-Cancer; VIII (Strength) in Sun-Leo, completing the upper three loops; then IX (Hermit) diametrically down in Jupiter-Aquarius; X (Wheel of Fortune) in Saturn-Capricorn; XI (Justice) in Bacchus-Sagittarius; finishing the bottom loop with XII (Hanged Man) in Pisces.
The Archangelic pattern is much simpler: XIII (Death) in Aquarius, XIV (Temperance) in Pisces; XV (Devil) in Aries; XVI (Tower) in Taurus; XVII (Star) in Gemini; XVIII (Moon) in Cancer; XIX (Sun) in Leo; XX (Last Judgement) in Virgo; XXI (World) in Libra (and XXII, Phoenix, in Scorpio; XXIII, Flower, in Sagittarius; and XXIV, Diamond, in Capricorn).

We should note that in calling the Monad 0/13 or White/Black, it actually unfolds into four: 0:0 or White/White (IAHU-Metatron); 0:13 or White/Black (Malachizadoch or Melchizadek; the Male Christ); 13:0 or Black/White (Malachiaurh or Melchior; the Female Christ); and 13:13 or Black/Black (WOHE-Sandalphon). White/White remains ever at the Summer Solstice/Crown Chakra; Black/Black remains ever at the Winter Solstice/Foot Chakra; and the two Christs alternate between these two in 16 Initiations of Manifestation (or Incarnation) and Ascension (spaced 22 1/2 degrees apart around the Wheel of the Year).

Similarly, we could posit an unfolding of the 12 Atmic Demiurges (0/13:1 - 0/13:12) into twelve Male Demiurges (0:1 - 0:12) and twelve female Demiurges (13:1 - 13:12); and an unfolding of the 12 Buddhic Archangels (1:0/13 - 12:0/13) into twelve Archangels (1:0 - 12:0) and twelve Elementals (13:0 - 13:12); however, we will retain the smaller numbers for simplicity. In the simpler system, we will call the numbers 1-6 (the prime and secondary colors) "male" and the numbers 7-12 (the tertiary colors) "female;" as is done in conventional Astrology; with the caution that these distinctions are somewhat artificial and culture-bound.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Creator or Imaginer, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter One):

0/13: Let each and all perceive the SPIRITUAL CREATOR; that Envisioner Who is the Ideal of Us all; Who is Our Bright-Brother; Who dwells within Our brow and in Our right eye; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Micheal, Star-Pattern of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Seraphic Solar Constellations.
1: Beautiful am I in My bee-emblazoned Yellow robes; My orb of Leo is single and My body is full of light;
2: My name is Hieromiel; is Maha-Vir; is Maha-Brahm; is Aditya Vishnu, perceiver of the all-pervading cosmic pattern; is Apollo; is Sol; is Beal; is Beli; is Balor; is Baldur the beautiful; is Ribhu.
3: I see all time, all patterns, all visions of the good and the holy; I see many in the one and one in the many; My gift is the fiery Crown of Divine Imagination of the Heavenly Brother of Holy Spirit;
4: Warded by My Lion Ariel, emblazoned on My banner, overseing My Yellow Realm, South in the Southwest Quarter of the Central Isle;
5: Taste ye the seed of My Sunflower; of My Dandelion; of High John the Conqueror, growing brightly:
6: Upon My Golden hill; within My Golden ringwall, fragrant in the warmth of My delight;
7: About My Citrine city, My city of Topaz and Tigereye, glowing in My beams;
8: Near Summer-Tide Channel, River of Heaven; bordered by Broom and by Hollyoak; by My Laurel, Acacia and Bay;
9: Protected by crowing Cock and glimmering Goldfinch, folk of Late-Summer's After-Prime;
10: My treasure is the Athamei, shining spear of the sun; it is STRENGTH of Tarot;
11: I sing the bright Lydian songs;
12: My sphere of knowledge is the Sun.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Magician or Namer, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Two):

0/13: Let each and all praise the SPIRITUAL MAGICIAN; that Speaker Who is the Echo of Us all; Who is Our Bright-Father; Who dwells within Our throat and left ear; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Eremiel, Name of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Cherubic Utterances.
1: Splendid am I in My Orange robes of vair; My orbs of Gemini are twinned and Mine is the Orange Rod between.
2: My name is Hierolailia; is Maha-Maya; is Maha-Vayu; is Yamai-Maya the Twins; is Aditya Varuna, magician and link between human and god; is Wodun All-Father; is Hermes Father of Pan; is Tefnut;
3: I name all things; I am the speaker; My gift is Drama-Veria, Mirror-Mask of Truth, Divine Authority uttered by Heavenly Father;
4: Warded by My Serpent, who whispers in Our ear, and by My Ape, who shows Us Our reflection in Our Orange Realm, Southeast, in the Southeast Quarter of the Central Isle, saying;
5: Come! Partake, My Twin, of the wines of My Narcissus; of My Jonquil;
6: The Mercurial streams of Quicksilver are Mine; they hasten at My bidding in My hills of Cinnabar;
7: My city's twin walls are of Fire Opal; and My gates are of orange Agate; they quiver at My call;
8: Come thou, murmur in My groves of Rowan and of May-thorn; surrounding May-Tide River, around My River of Wind;
9: Protecting My folk, My swallow swiftly stitches; and My restless Martlet flies, singing the Lauds of Maiia-month, saying;
10:We cherish Thata-ve the Herald's wand; serpent-twined, treasure of these TWINS of Tarot;
11: I sing My songs in the Ionian mode;
12: And my sphere of knowledge is Mercury.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Priest or Caregiver, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Three):

0/13: Let each and all love the SPIRITUAL PRIEST; that Nurturer Who is the Projection of Us all; Who is Our Bright-Son; Who dwells within Our heart and Our right hand; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Anachiel, Mercy-Seat of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Throne-Gifts of Grace.
1: Firm am I in My Verdant robes; threefold are My orbs of Libra, and Mine is the Bou-Ddha, the Green Trine between;
2: My name is Hierodharama; is Maha-Madh, Mohamad; is Dha'wi-dhriu, giver of right action, Aditya Savitri, holder of the magical tools; is Nuada; is Dhiw, keeper of the covenant;
3: My gift is the Dharma, the middle path of right action; My gift is the Balance; is the Threefold Wand of Divine Faith held by the Son of Heaven;
4: Warded by My Wolf; by My Jackal; by My faithful three-headed Dog; who rules My Green Realm, West in the Southwest Quarter of the Central Isle.
5: Taste of My Trefoil; of My Clover; of My Shamrock growing;
6: Upon My mountain of greenest Copper; and within My Copper guard-ring;
7: About Ko'ran; My holy Emerald city; My shining palace of the three walls;
8: Near Autumn-Tide Channel, River of the Lake; bordered by My Apple-groves; come taste, O beloved! Green they grow;
9: Here in Fore-Sext of Earliest Fall, amidst great peace My Dove alights, sighing;
10: I treasure the Tha-Dha, the Theta Brooch; triune Ring of Truth of this HIGH PRIEST of Tarot;
11: My music is calm, in Mixolydian mode;
12: My sphere of knowledge is Paerilandhara; is Venus.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Warrior or Hunter, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Four):

0/13: Let each and all revere the SPIRITUAL HUNTER; that Warrior Who is the Strength of Us all; Who is Our Dark-Son; Who dwells within Our navel and Our spleen; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Zadochiel, Dragon of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Dominion-Beasts.
1: Strong am I in My Red robes and horns; fourfold are My orbs of Aries, and Mine is the Red Rood; Mine is the Red Square between;
2: My name is Hierozoe; is Maha-Rudra, is Marduk; is Mavors; is Mars; is Horus; is Ares; is Aditya Aryaman, warder of honor and nobility, upholder of earthly law; is Ziu; is Adon; is Adam the Red One; is Cernunnos;
3: Mine is the gift of the Sword of Divine Order, wielded by the Earthly Son.
4: Blessed by the Ram, by the Martyred Lamb of the Ruddy Fleece; riding My Red Realm, East in the Northeast Quarter of the Central Isle;
5: Mine is the Quatrefoil; Mine the Blood-bloom, growing;
6: Upon My Iron mountain; and within My guard-ring of Iron;
7: About Quodro-Co'rond; My foursquare city; all sculpted of Ruby; all carven of Bloodstone;
8: Near Spring-Tide Channel, River of the Mountain; bordered by Red-Oak and Alder, My sacred Wealds;
9: Watched over by My Hawk; by My soaring Falcon, folk of Fore-Matins in Earliest Spring;
10: Protector of My Atha-Nor; of My horned Altar of eternal flame; treasure of this EMPEROR of Tarot;
11: My song is wild, in Dorian mode; the song of Fliadaz;
12: And My sphere of knowledge is Paeridaz; is Paeridiur; is Paerzi'ual; is Mars.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Planter or Sower, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Five):

0/13: Let each and all revere the SPIRITUAL SOWER; that Gardener, Yeoman and Herbalist Who is the flowering of Us all; Who is Our Dark-Father; Who dwells within Our loins and in Our right knee; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Uriel, Flower of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Virtue-Blossoms.
1: Vital am I in My Blue robes; fivefold are My orbs of Sagittarius, and Mine is the Blue Quintile; the Azure Pentacle between;
2: I am named Hierojenia; Mah-Aindru, Mahendra; Aditya Parjanya, giver of rain; Jow'e; Dionysos; Bacchus;
3: Mine is Dha-nur, the gift of Bow and Arrow; of Mortar and Pestle; of Firedrill and Planting-Rod of the Divine Strength of the Earthly Father;
4: Championed by My Horse-folk; My Centaurs and Gandarvas, tending My Blue Realm, Northwest in the Northwest Quarter of the Central Isle;
5: My flower is the Flax, growing blue-bright in My spiral gardens;
6: Upon My Tin mountain; and within My guard-ring of Tin.
7: About My five-walled city of Lapis Lazuli;
8: Upon Hallows-Tide River; My River of Thunder; surrounded by My Ivy-groves, My Reeds, My Blue Oak, and Horse Chestnut;
9: Protected by My hammering Woodpecker; and by My soaring Storm-Eagle; folk of the Hallows-Month Nones;
10: My treasure is the Than-djur, the Ua-jru or Vajra; the Thunderbolt of this JUSTICE of Tarot;
11: I sing My planting-songs in the Aeolian mode;
12: And the sphere of My knowledge is Paerjiania; is Bacchus and the Asteroids.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Smith or Alchemist, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Six):

0/13: Let each and all respect the SPIRITUAL SMITH; that Alchemist Who is the image of Us all; Who is Our Dark-Brother; Who dwells within Our fundament and in Our left foot; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Gwriel, Grail of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Archangelic Metals.
1: Solid am I in My Violet ringmail and My Phrygian crown; sixfold are My orbs of Aquarius, and Mine is the Violet Sextile; the Octahedron between;
2: My name is Hierogaea; is Maha-Gough; is Gu; is Geb; is Goibniu, Gofannon; is Aditya Bhaga, by whom the elders receive their earthly shares of the common wealth; is Ing; is Yang; is Ianus; is Lugh; is Hephaestos and Vulcan; is Peter; is Jupiter;
3: Mine is the Dhwer-gae, the Dwarven Forge, the Anvil, the Hammer and Tongs of the Divine Will of the Earthly Brother of the Holy Spirit;
4: Warded by My Elephant, by My long-tusked Boar, guardians of My Violet Realm, North in the Northeast Quarter of the Central Isle;
5: My flower is the African Violet; shyly it grows.
6: Upon My mountain of Lead, which ferments in the Earth-works of Gae-ourgy, boiling deep within My leaden guard-ring;
7: About My six-walled city, graven all of Amethyst;
8: Near Yule-Tide Channel; River of Earth; bordered by My groves of Grey-Birch and Violet-Alder;
9: Guarded by Greylag Goose; and by My Pelican, wounding its breast for its young; protectors of Late Winter's After-Vespers;
10: My treasure is the Thaumat-Ourgy, the wonder-working Rod of this HERMIT of Tarot;
11: My dirge is in the Phrygian mode;
12: And My sphere of My knowledge is Jupiter.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Trickster, Crone or Mason, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Seven):

0/13: Let each and all dance to the SPIRITUAL MASON; that Architect, Sculptor and Jeweler Who is a facet of Us all; Who is Our Dark-Sister; Who dwells within Our fundament and in Our right foot; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Rwkael, Diamond of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Archangel-Gems.
1: Wise am I in My Indigo robes; sevenfold are My orbs of Capricorn, and Mine is the Blue-Violet Septile; the Indigo Seeded-Octahedron between;
2: My name is Hieroclaea; is Hierokhalyx; is Maha-K'ali, is Cailleach, is Coatlicue; is Cybele; is Kiva, is Kubera, of underground city and cavern of jewels; is Hecate; is Kwu-skri stone-carver, the Aditya Tvastri, the shaper, the craftsman; is Visvakarma, architect of the worlds; is the Krittikas, the seven cutters; is Nike; is Nicholas; is Loki, the trickster;
3: Mine is the Compass, the Trowel, the Square; Mine are the Shears and the Chisel of Divine Understanding of the Earthly Sister of Holy Wisdom;
4: Guarded by My Goat-folk; by My fauns and satyrs, who dance My Blue-Violet Realm, North in the Northwest Quarter of the Central Isle;
5: My flowers are Columbine, Monkshood, and Chicory; all of indigo, growing;
6: Upon My hills of zinc, and within My ring-walls of Pewter;
7: About My seven-fold city of Sapphire.
8: Near Winter-Tide Channel, River of Earth; bordered by My Elder and Yew;
9: Watched over by My raucous ones, My Rooks and Ravens and Crows; My brood of Early-Winter's Fore-Vespers;
10: Protected is My Narthex, My Coffer of Jeweled FORTUNE'S WHEEL; the WHEEL OF GREAT TIME of Tarot;
11: My song is in the dark Hypo-Aeolian mode;
12: And the sphere of My knowledge is Saturn.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Forester, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Eight):

0/13: Let each and all anoint the SPIRITUAL FORESTER; that Carpenter and Fisher Who is a limb of Us all; Who is Our Dark-Mother; Who dwells within Our loins and in Our left knee; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Shaichunael, Tree of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Virtue-Trees.
1: Friendly am I in My Violet-Red robes; eightfold are My orbs of Pisces, and Magenta is the Grand Octile, the Cube between;
2: My name is Hieroshulwa; is Mah'-Aishu, is Mahesha, is Maha-Shwa, Mahashiva; is YHShWA, Iehoshua, Jesus; is the Aditya Mitra, connector in friendship, link between human and human; is Neteru; is Nephthys; is Nerthus; is Niord;
3: My Gift is Dha-Lawrush, the Sylvan Axe of double blade; is the Broom of Divine Forgiveness of the Earthly Mother;
4: Warded by Mer-folk, My people of the Porpoise; the Dolphin; the Fish and the Eel, who tend My Magenta Realm, Northeast in the Northeast Quarter of the Central Isle;
5: My herb is the Octafoil; Wisteria; and Thistle; growing in groves;
6: Girded by My ring-wall of Alum;
7: About My eight-sided city; all carven in Garnet and Porphyry;
8: Around Candle-Tide River, the River Deep; surrounded by My Pomegranate groves, My woods of Rowan and Ash;
9: Wheeled over by My Gulls, My Stormy Petrels of Tree-Month's Compline.
10: Protected is My Chalice; My watery Font, treasure of this HANGED ONE of Tarot;
11: Of Hypo-Dorian mode is My music, calling;
12: And My sphere of knowledge is Paershwal; is Uranus.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Fowler, Seeker, or Brooder, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Nine):

0/13: Let each and all honor the SPIRITUAL FOWLER; that Protectress, Seeker and Brooder Who lives within Us all; Who is Our Dark-Daughter; Who dwells within Our navel and in Our liver; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Aurael, Phoenix of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Power Soul-Birds.
1: Seeker am I in My Green-Blue robes; ninefold are My orbs of Scorpio, and Blue-Green is the Grand Novile, the Seeded Cube between;
2: My name is Hieronona; is Hiera'wys; is Maha-Saras-Uata, Vata, Wotan; is Iuno; is Westa, Vesta, Hestia; is Set; is the Aditya Vivasvat, embodiment of ancestral patterns of morality; is Leulata, Lilith; is Tiw; is Aradia;
3: My Gift is the Bell, tolling the rites of passage; and the nine-knotted Cord of Divine Life of the Earthly Daughter;
4: Warded by Arto, by Arduina, My Bear of the nine fires; My folk who protect My Turquoise Realm, West in the Northwest Quarter of the Central Isle;
5: My flower is the Lotus, growing;
6: Upon My Tungsten hills, and within My ringwall of Bronze and of Steel;
7: Around My nine-sided city of Turquoise; My city of Aquamarine;
8: Near Autumn-Tide Channel, River of the Lake; bordered all with Holly-groves; entwined in the Vine of the Grape.
9: Protected by My Peafowl; under the wing of My Vulture, folk of Late Autumn's After-Sext;
10: My treasure is Athanaus Mana'wytan; Birth-Vessel of this EMPRESS of Tarot;
11: My music is Hypo-Mixolydian;
12: My sphere of knowledge is Paernaussos; is Neptune.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Diviner, Lover, or Abbess, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Ten):

0/13: Let each and all honor the SPIRITUAL DIVINER; that Mantic, Lover and Healer Who is the beloved within Us all; Who is Our Bright-Daughter; Who dwells within Our heart and in Our left hand; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Ra'hael, Treasure-Tower of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Thronal Manes-Treasures.
1: Blissful am I in My Red-Orange robes; tenfold are My orbs of Taurus, and Orange-Red is the Grand Decile, the Macrotet between;
2: My name is Hieromantiu; is Maha-Tantra; is Athtarata, Aphrodite, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Ishtar, Eostra, Easter, Esther; is Terra, is Tara; is Aditya Amsa, receiver of the tenth-part that is the portion of the gods; is Tahuit, Tehuti, Thoth;
3: My Gift is the Mantle of Prophecy; of Divination, of Divine Love of the Heavenly Daughter;
4: Warded by My Bull, the Z'ela-tor; by My folk who cherish My Red-Orange Realm, East in the Southeast Quarter of the Central Isle;
5: My flower is the thorny Rose, which grows in glorious profusion;
6: Upon My hills, and within My ring-walls of healing Antimony;
7: Here arises My ten-sided Carnelian city of dawn;;
8: Near Spring-Tide Channel, River of the Mountain; bordered with My Willow-groves;
9: Protected by My watchful Cranes; My Herons and Ibis, folk of Late Spring's After-Matins;
10: My treasure is Athatarota, the Stone Tablet; the Double Pentacle of this HIGH PRIESTESS of Tarot;
11: I sing My songs of love in the Hypo-Ionian mode; it is sweet music.
12: My sphere of knowledge is Paeratha'wina, is Persephone, is Proserpina; is the North Node of the Moon.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Enchanter, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Eleven):

0/13: Let each and all honor the SPIRITUAL ENCHANTER; that Singer and Listener Who is the song within Us all; Who is Our Bright-Mother; Who dwells within Our throat and in Our right ear; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Iofael, Song of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Cherubic Musics.
1: Memorable am I in My Yellow-Green robes; elevenfold are My orbs of Virgo, and Green-Yellow is the Grand Undecile, the Seeded Macrotet between;
2: My name is Hieromelia; is Maha-Flia, Maha-vila; is Freya; is Isis; is Pufiamh, Aditya Pusan, patron of conjurers and enchanters, the nourisher; is Meriamh the Virgin Mother;
3: My Gift is the Elfen Harp and Fay Horn of Divine Enthusiasm of the Heavenly Mother;
4: Warded by My Zoe-eleph, by My folk of the Stag, who enchant My Yellow-Green Realm, Southwest in the Southwest Quarter of the Central Isle;
5: My flower is Artemisia Absinthum; is Wormwood and Rue, growing;
6: Upon My Platinum hills, and within My Copper-Gold ring-walls;
7: About My eleven-walled Peridot city; My city all carven of Jade;
8: Round Lammas-Tide River, My Stream of the Summer; surrounded by My Hazel trees, and groves of Silver Fir;
9: Protected by My singing Swans, folk of Lammas-Month's Tierce;
10: Cherishing My treasure, the Atha-failh Necklace; the Heraldic File of the Firstborn; of this MAGICIAN of Tarot.
11: My song is Hypo-Lydian, of memory evoking;
12: My sphere of knowledge is Isis; is the South Node of the Moon.

Here is the Chapter of the Demiurgic Sage, from the Book of Lights (Book Nought/Thirteen: Chapter Twelve):

0/13: Let each and all honor the SPIRITUAL SCHOLAR; that Seer and Sage Who is the mirror of Us all; Who is Our Bright-Sister; Who dwells within Our brow and in Our left eye; Who holds the roundel of the Archangel Myrrhael, Sphere of the World, and the Coven of Twelve Seraphic Planetary Spheres of Knowledge.
1: Intelligent am I in My Orange-Yellow robes; twelvefold are My orbs of Cancer, and Orange-Yellow is the Grand Dodecile, the Icosahedron between;
2: My name is Hierom'orph; is Maha-Pralaya; is Philhippei; is Pwll; is Arianrhod; is Luna; is Soma; is Aditya Daksa, upholder of heavenly law; is Meirh, the Ocean-Mother;
3: My Gift is the Phaerie's Lamp of Divine Wisdom, upheld by Our Heavenly Sister of Divine Wisdom;
4: Defended by My Zoe-hippei, by My folk of the Unicorn, who know My Amber Realm, South in the Southeast Quarter of the Central Isle;
5: My flower is the Fleur-de-Lys; is the Saffron Crocus; in the marshes growing;
6: Upon My Silver hills, and within My Silver ring;
7: About My twelve-fold city; carven all of Amber, and of Moonstone and of Pearl;
8: Near Summer-Tide Channel, River of Heaven; bordered by My holy groves of Poplar and Aspen and Oak-Moss tresses;
9: Protected by My Owls and by My Harpies, My folk of Early-Summer's Fore-Prime;
10: My treasure, the Atha-Philh Rota-haorhi; the Divine Soma-phial of the Silver Wheel; of this CHARIOTEER of Tarot;
11: My music is Hypo-Phrygian;
12: And My sphere of knowledge is the Moon; is the outermost veil of the Solar System, archive of System records.

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