Looking for answers or guidance?

Until you hear your own answer clearly inside, an advanced teacher of God responds to your questions on this page.

This list of questions and responses is updated regularly, with the latest on top of the list.

(Use email below to submit questions.)

"At what level of conciousness does one make the decisions that bring miracles or changes in ourselves? Is it enough to say you want or do not want something, pray for it, and expect to get it? Does it have to be done at a much deeper level of conciousness? If so, how do you take yourself to that level?"

You might want to click on this: letter to Margarita

"Just yesterday, I was looking at a beautiful full moon. I thought to myself that this universe is too ordered and majestic for me to have created it in my mind (which is what ACIM says, I think). It just seemed unacceptable to me."

You might want to click on this: message for Victor

"Could you please help me to understand what activates the Higher Self to acknowledge the lower self's prayers."

You might want to click on this: letter to Frances

"With all due respect, how is it that the Holy Spirit would guide us to do things, as you say, which would lead us directly into fears?"

You might want to click on this: letter to Steffen in Denmark

"How can I be happy when...?"

You might want to click on this: true story with children

"What is the very best way to help others? I feel like sometimes I'm helping someone else so much that I'm holding myself back."

You might want to click on this: true story on mountain

"I've been studying A COURSE IN MIRACLES for years and I still find myself angry or fearful sometimes. What is the problem?"

There is nothing you cannot do if you put your mind to it. It is one thing to study A COURSE IN MIRACLES intellectually. It is quite another thing to really, really, really want with all your heart and soul to be out of fear and anger altogether. When you want it with ALL your heart and soul it happens quickly.

"My wife doesn't know I'm into A COURSE IN MIRACLES. I'm wondering if I should tell her."

There are no secrets. How many minds do you think there are? You may not find it easy to tell her, but what is the alternative? Living a lie? Is it not a lie to pretend she doesn't already know anyway? How do you think she feels sensing you are leaving her out of an important part of your life?

"None of my co-workers or acquaintances seem to be very interested in spititual growth...so I feel lonely at times. What do I need to do to not feel lonely?"

Wait and see what happens. You will be drawing like-minded people into your life. The Holy Spirit will not leave you lonely for long if you are following His instructions.

While you are waiting, be at peace and help others. Give to them what they are able to receive from you... and in your state of giving your loneliness will disappear.

"I am hopelessly impatient. I want to be Home now. What can I do to be Home now?"

A COURSE IN MIRACLES students are fond of saying you ARE Home now, but obviously this is not your experience. You are really asking: what does it take to have the EXPERIENCE of being Home now and always?

What if you found a teacher who was all the way Home...always... and you began to live with this teacher and allow your mind to become one with his mind? That would be one way Home, wouldn't it?

What if you studied A COURSE IN MIRACLES for 25 or 30 years until finally you could no longer stand your experience of not being Home, and THEN you found a teacher who was all the way Home...always...and you finally began to live with this teacher and allow your mind to become one with his mind? That would be another way Home, wouldn't it?

Use email to send your questions and watch for a posted answer on this page.

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