My friend asked me to accompany her to a spiritual meeting to which she had been invited. She was afraid to attend by herself. My intent was to keep quiet at the meeting, but near the end of the meeting spirit moved me to say, "There are no accidents."
As fate would have it, a teenage boy and girl were hanging around at the back of the room for no other reason (as far as they knew) than to ask the girl's mother who hosted the meeting for money. As I was leaving the meeting, spirit moved me to touch the teenage boy on the elbow of his motorcycle jacket. I believe I said something to him like, "You'll be fine!"
He replied, "There are no accidents, huh?"
About a week later I received a phone call. It was the woman who had hosted the meeting. She said, "Do you remember the teenage boy you spoke to as you left our meeting? Well, he was drinking and smoking pot and he's been in a terrible motorcycle accident which crushed his leg. He is in the hospital and the doctors want to take his leg off. He is extremely depressed and has been asking for you to come and visit him."
After talking to her, I wondered how I would get to the hospital which was 15 or 16 miles away. I didn't have a car in those days. A voice inside me said, "Go get high!"
"Go get high? Do you mean go swimming in the ocean?"
"Go meditate."
So I went into my kitchen and chanted some chants I was into when I was young. Then I laid myself down on the living room floor and drifted down into a kind of meditative state. No sooner had I gotten really quiet than I heard the voice say, "Now ask me!"
Ask me what? I didn't know what I was supposed to ask. Finally, not knowing what to ask for, I said in my mind, "Father, do your thing!"
What felt like a lightening bolt went through my body, lifting me off the floor and dropping me back down again. I could feel the lightening go directly to the boy in the hospital. I jumped up out of meditation and I KNEW three things immediately: (1) I didn't have to go to the hospital after all... the work was done, a miracle had happened, his spirits had lifted, (2) healing had taken place and the
doctors wouldn't be amputating his leg after all, and (3) he had created the motorcycle accident for his spiritual growth.
I forgot the incident and about a month later the same lady who had phoned me came over to my house for some counseling regarding her own progress. At the end of our session, she said to me, "Do you remember the boy in the hospital? He really wants me to tell you that the doctors call him 'Miracle Boy' because his whole attitude changed overnight. His leg is healing. He asked me to bring him spiritual books to read while he is in the hospital. He wanted me to tell you that he knows he created the accident... for his spiritual growth."
It was Thursday, May 29th. In a meeting of 7 or 8 managers, the boss asked us, "Any predictions
for the Jazz game tonight? (Utah Jazz playoff game against Houston
Rockets) I listened inside and heard, "Jazz by 3!" I thought,
"Well, the game would have to be tied just before
the final buzzer and someone, likely John Stockton, would make a 3 point
shot at the buzzer."
So I announced to all the managers, "The game will be tied just before the final
buzzer and John Stockton will win it with a 3-pointer!"
You might have seen all the sports section front pages the next morning. Needless to say, EVERYBODY in the office
is beginning to have a great respect for inner hearing.
Early in the morning on March 7th, I had a dream that Beth and
myself were in a car driving down the street. Suddenly I saw
a big tidal wave approaching. I tried to turn the car around
and outrun the tidal wave, but knew I could not. I said to Beth,
"Hold on! We are going to be hit!"
Later that morning I received notification by telephone that Beth
had been broadsided by a truck while driving to work right about the
time I had the dream. Her car was totalled, crunched-in right behind
her driver's seat. As if hit by a tidal wave, her car ended up 485 feet
down the street smashed into a Wendy's restaurant.
Beth had been thrown around inside the car like a rag doll and had
many broken bones, but she lived.
With Beth's Course in Miracles consciousness, not yet three months later, her doctor is saying all Beth's broken bones have been healing
very nicely. Upon going back to work, Beth was given a more advantageous
position than she had before the accident. Or are there any accidents?
Our guidance was to move to Salt Lake City. We packed our auto with
a few belongings and crossed the country. We only knew one person
in Salt Lake City who we hadn't had contact with in quite awhile. Yet
when we drove into town the guidance was to go to her house. Upon opening
her door and seeing us she said, "How did I know you would be showing up
here? I've been watching for you for two weeks!"
Then we were guided to a house for rent and we told the property manager, "We have no jobs, or credit,
or references and we just got in town. We don't know why we are in Salt Lake City, but maybe it's to
start a church based on A COURSE IN MIRACLES." She said, "Oh, I've heard of A COURSE IN MIRACLES!
The owner of the house is very, very careful about who he allows
to live here, but I'll try to talk him into accepting your application."
We lived there a whole year and did indeed use that address as the
first home of the Holy Instant Christian Church. Great address: 777
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