Miracles Healing Center
A Room Filled With Light

Picture in your mind a disco ballroom with lights reflected into every part of the room from a thousand angles so you cannot hide or defend yourself from the light, which is shining on you from all directions.

Now make a slight shift in your imagination and see the light in the room many thousands of times more powerful and the room is no longer a disco ballroom but a room whose atmosphere reverberates with spiritual light because of the presence of spiritual brothers who have come to this room to serve you and who are radiating so much spiritual light that not very many on earth have ever seen anything like it.

Those who enter such a room with pain, or fear, or guilt in their lives cannot escape or fend off the room's spiritual light, so fears are burned up in a flash, pain quickly dissipated like rising steam, and guilt rapidly melted into joyous release.

Those who enter the room already veterans of A Course in Miracles or having participated in an awakening of some sort, already somewhat heart and soul cleansed and purified, find incredible spiritual light penetrating their being and speedily expanding inside them, opening them spiritually as they could never have imagined.

Could such a room exist? And if so, where is it to be found?

That brings up a story.

Once upon a time there was a great teacher who lived in a little house and entertained his small number of students, not to teach them concepts, but to trick them and treat them into opening spiritually as never before, into truly going all the way spiritually.

Nobody could remember how this great teacher had become enlightened, so from time to time his students would approach him with their speculations.

"Some say you became enlightened when you were struck by lightening," a student once probed.

"Sure thing," answered the teacher, who went about his business.

Another time a different student queried, "There are those who say you were blasted by visitors from outer space and that's how you became enlightened."

"Yep!" replied the teacher, who didn't appear to give the subject another thought.

One day a student said to the teacher, "It is said you reached enlightenment by being zapped by a great being in India. Please tell us if this is true."

"Oh, yes, it's true," he said. But he had a certain twinkle in his eye, so they never knew whether they were being tricked or treated.

Finally one day a student suddenly broke into a broad smile and said to the great teacher, "Oh, I get it! Just like us now, you yourself once attended sessions with a great teacher who lived in a small house and who tricked and treated you until you became enlightened!"

The teacher smiled and replied, "It's all the same." At this, everyone present in the room exploded together into healing light.

Yes, rooms utterly filled with light do exist. They are rooms where teachers of God gather, sometimes very advanced teachers of God, to offer their light and facilitate healing or spiritual opening for everyone.

In the Christian world, earlier precursors of such light rooms could be found in churches and homes as devout servants of God met in prayer circles to allow the Holy Spirit to work through them as best they knew how at the time. Later came charismatic meetings in which participants called upon the name of Jesus and allowed themselves to be strongly moved and healed by the Divine Spirit. In recent years the light of the Holy Spirit has been tremendously magnified in gatherings and we've seen many new miraculous surprises accompanied by a joyous phenomenon which the news media is calling "Holy Laughter." As the light keeps expanding, the promise keeps expanding and the miracles keep multiplying as never before.

Are you ready for a miracle? Are you willing to be present without judgment or resistance in a room filled with light?

Yes, such rooms do exist and we welcome you to one such room at our Miracles Healing Center of Salt Lake City.

Our Miracles Healing Center is a small house where we offer public sessions every Wednesday evening, Thursday evening, and Sunday morning. There are usually several very advanced teachers present at the sessions, so the spiritual light is intense.

Miracles Healing Sessions
Wednesday evenings 7 - 8:30 PM
Sunday evenings 5:30 - 6:30 PM
2174 Villaire Ave. (7420 South)

(Detailed directions at bottom of this message)

In innocent jest, we say these sessions are a "free for all." Because they are truly free for all, as Jesus directed when he said, "Freely ye have received, freely give." (Matt. 10:8)

Does one teacher among the advanced teachers at the Miracles Healing Center stand out as the main teacher? No and yes. When Jesus said, "Neither ye be called masters; for one is your master" (Matthew 23:10), the context was his instruction to his disciples who may have been tempted to lapse into ego vested interests (earthly consciousness). He was cautioning them to discourage people from thinking of them as special and apart from each other. Emphasizing oneness, not specialness, Jesus had just told his disciples "ye are all brethren" (Matthew 23:8), meaning they are all equal teachers, equal children of God. "Call no man your father upon the earth; for one is your Father, which is in heaven." (Matthew 23:9)

On the other hand, in another context when Jesus is speaking from a heavenly consciousness focusing on our spiritual nature he says, "Ye call me Master and Lord: and ye say well; for so I am." (John 13:13)

So with the understanding that all our teachers at the Miracles Healing Center are equal on earth and all our teachers are one in heaven, yes we have a teacher who appears to take the lead. Brian Eenigenburg was a Unity minister for 12 years and since leaving the Unity ministry has been a well-known minister and teacher of A Course in Miracles in the Salt Lake Valley for 18 years.

In 1980 Brian "accidentally" merged with the totally enlightened master, Baba Muktananda, in a whirlwind of fire experience which was recognized as a sort of passing of the torch. Muktananda gave Brian the spiritual name "Pradeepa" (Divine Light).

Since the early 1990's the Master Teacher has continued to open Brian into unbelievably bright spiritual light so that his name became not only Divine Light but "Beau" (Beautiful).

Brian jokes, "Beautiful Divine Light? I guess in someskrit, that translates to 'Ho! Bo!' "

Another teacher at our Miracles Healing Center, Andrew Sears, writes: "Brian is full of love and light. With patience and commitment he taught me to have the experience which Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed and all enlightened ones have taught." But Beau himself answers in the same way A Course in Miracles always answers: "If you are focusing on a form (called Brian) you see here, then you are not seeing who is really here and who is really responsible for miracles."

No matter how Beau is seen, we can say with the joy of a punster who knows more than he lets on that there are great benefits to be received by sincere people who spend time with Beautiful Divine Light.

If you are one who has allowed A Course in Miracles or seemingly another awakening to work on you for any number of years and you absolutely know there is something far, far more wonderful and expansive to be experienced than you or anyone around you has yet experienced, and it's an experience you really, really want for everyone, then listen inside and hear if you are being guided to attend sessions at our Miracles Healing Center as one who is radiating light, or opening to light, which is one and the same.

But perhaps more importantly, if you are one who absolutely needs relief from pain, who absolutely needs a miracle in your life, we invite you to attend our sessions. We invite you to be present in a surrendered nonjudgmental way, and see what happens. For years now we've seen situational and personal darkness dissipate in light for those who surrender to the light at our sessions. In a room totally filled with light, miracles become not only the norm, but the easiest thing in the world.

For further information about visiting us from areas other than Salt Lake City, contact us by email. It might be the best thing you've ever done for someone you love.

In the meantime, close your eyes and imagine you are in a disco ballroom which is not really a disco ballroom but the end of time, and beautiful divine light is everywhere, and you cannot escape it so you decide to surrender into it and become it. And lo and behold you find out you were never human after all and earth never existed after all. Because you are all there is and...

...you are Beautiful Divine Light.


Take Highland Dr. to 7200 South (or 7205 South, however it's marked), turn East toward the nearby mountains, immediately turn South (right) onto Ponderosa Dr., after a couple blocks Ponderosa ends at Camino Way but do a left-right zig-zag and continue South on Viscayne Dr., turn East (left) at Villaire Ave. (second street), head up Villaire to 2174, park in driveway if room, and choose extreme happiness ... you've arrived!