Wonder Woman
When she kissed me I couldn't help it, I knew I had to tell her the truth.  Though I knew it would crush her and I believed our relationship would never be the same again; truth hurts.

"Diana", I whispered ever so softly, "I need to tell you this...."

Then, when I had seen that my hand that was holding on to her waist was also touching her gold-braided belt, I knew I wasn't betraying her.  And she noticed it in my eyes I had seen the truth.  She removed her glasses and placed them down on the end table.  With the same delicate touch she carried me off into the den where the wine and the fireplace had already been prepared.

The next morning I awoke; still alone by the fireplace smelling of the sweet Mascoto I had spilled from the glass in my hand.  My date had only been but a dream.

:: posted 2:31am 02/17/04
:: revised 12:16am 03/08/04