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What's This All About?
This is my attempt at making a difference.  Sharing to influence the people in the world to live better lives.  I wanted to create a web site that was meaningful and functional for myself and the rest of humanity.  For myself, well,  I will be writing what's on my mind and in my heart and creating a link library of sites that I find interesting and/or beneficial.  For you, the reader, perhaps this site will be a place to find a way to a better life, to learn how to avoid making the same stupid decisions I've made or experience a re-birth.  I invite you to Laugh with me and cry with me.  It'll be a good time.  Hopefully, making an impact in the lives of others I may never get to meet in person. 

:: posted 1:39am 02/23/04

A Quick Note
You will see a lot of reverences to God,  Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  That is because I believe they are the one, true God in whom I place my life and my faith.
:: posted by 2:21am 02/16/04

Oh, One more thing...
I need to say 'Thanks!' to who helped me with my homepage design and to for directing me to a great resource.  Take care and be good.
:: posted 12:44am 02/17/04