Baltimore, Maryland
December 17, 1997
Dear Sarah,
Happy 20th Birthday!
I hope you are doing great and that your youthful energy is serving you well under the academic and social pressures of university life. My spies tell me that your grades are outstanding. (Actually, I hacked into the WVU system and saw your grades for myself, but don't tell anyone. By the way, would you like me to raise that organic chemistry grade a tad?)
Things are pretty good around here. As you can see, my latest toy is a photo scanner. The three pictures below were taken around the first day of school. All the kids are doing well.
Kristin landed on the honor roll with first honors and is eligible for a Knott scholarship which would pay her tuition for the next four years. Her chances are probably slim, given the number of kids who compete for it, but it's a real honor to qualify. She continues to improve at the piano and she plays flute in the school band. We attended their Christmas concert
last night and heard notes that can only be described as unique.
Ricky is also doing well academically, though we can't seem to get him interested in a musical instrument. He tried his Uncle Dale's trumpet, but he soon perceived that playing it is hellishly close to physical labor. So much for the trumpet. He is into being a cub scout and is working on his race car design for the upcoming Pinewood Derby. Katie seems to enjoy pre-school, although she has lots of suggestions about how they could improve things. She makes up words. "Shobo" can be used either as a noun or an adjective and has very derogatory connotations. Likewise "shumbob," although it's more or less confined to being a noun. "Paduski" and "peaslot" are nouns and are usually complimentary.
The following pictures were taken at Ocean City this summer, except for the family one, which was taken last year at the Outer Banks. I didn't get to go to the ocean this summer because I was in the middle of a project at the bank. A good time was had by all, however, despite (because of?) the absence of the father.
Here's one of me and the kids in front of the fireplace last Christmas.
We don't have any photos from this year's Christmas yet, but just look at the picture above and imagine us another year older and deeper in debt. The newest addition to the family is a brand spanking new blue Nissan Quest, or, as I am inclined to call it, Janet's Folly. The thing drinks gas the way I eat smoked salmon, which is to say, fast, in quantity, and unmindful of the cost. The kids have already dented it with the door of the old car, so at least that suspense is ended.
I must admit that this last picture is not the unretouched photo it appears to be. As you have probably guessed, I edited out the
space between my teeth. Ah, vanity... woman is not thy only name.
So, anyway, that's the news from Baltimore. Write if you find
time, but I'll understand if you're busy. Check out my
website if you get a chance. I'm homesteading on the Geocities site and the address is:
It's not much yet, but I have plans that will turn it into a truly colossal waste of time and storage space. Ain't the internet wonderful?
Happy Birthday again. Please give everybody a hug from us.
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