This site no longer has excerpts from my mythological fiction. But you can find a sampler (prologue and two chapters) of Immortal Conquest , plus excerpts of my other Greek mythology based fiction, at my author site. Also the complete text of my short story Love's Golden Arrow is available there. Just follow the links below. And it would be great if you'd check out the rest of my site and sign my guestbook while you're there!

Lanette Curington, Romance Author

What's an e-book?!?

Greek Mythology Based Fiction

Immortal Conquest
A Greek Myth Romance Novel.
The story of the god Apollo and a mortal woman Zeleia.

Immortal Surrender
A Greek Myth Romance Novel.
The story of the god Ares and a mortal woman Sharon.

Immortal Embrace
A Greek Myth Romance Novella.
The story of the god Hypnos and Pasithea, whom Hera promised to Hypnos in The Iliad for doing her bidding.

Immortal Heat
A Greek Myth Romance Novella.
The story of the god Hephaestus and Aglaia, one of the Charites who wed Hephaestus after the disastrous end to his marriage to Aphrodite. (Ref: The Iliad and The Odyssey)

Greek Mythology Based Fiction
A Complete Story

Love's Golden Arrow
The story of Lyra, eldest daughter of Apollo and Zeleia,
and Theron, the greatest hunter in all of Hellas.

"Love's Golden Arrow" tied second place in the Fantasy Category of
The Romance and Readers Group's 1996 Short Romantic Fiction Contest on AOL.

What's an e-book?!?

E-book is short for "electronic book", just as e-mail is short for "electronic mail". E-books come as downloads either as soon as you order or can be sent to you attached to an e-mail. The majority of e-books cost about half the price of a paperback!

E-books can be read on your computer since they're usually available in HTML. They can also be read on laptops, Palm Pilots, and dedicated handheld readers such as the Rocket eBook (which is no longer being manufactured), Gemstar (which will only have titles available from the bestseller lists), or eBookman, available now!

Why buy an e-book? Well, besides that they cost less, e-books are on the cutting-edge of what readers want to read. Have you ever searched through the shelves in a book store looking for something "different"? Are you tired of the same old re-hashed plots and cardboard characters? E-publishers allow authors to write the books of their hearts, books that would be arbitrarily rejected by the major paper publishers because they "don't fit the mold".

While many of the paper publishers have a few titles available in e-book form, they are generally released a few weeks before the hardback book and priced at hardback prices! The best place to find the best e-books are from the online independent publishers. Here are some to get you started:

DiskUs Publishing -- Publisher of my short story At the Stroke of Midnight, a Halloween paranormal romance.

Ellora's Cave -- Publisher of my romantica, writing as Lani Aames: Desperate Hearts, a contemporary romance novel, and Jingle's Belle (from the anthology Naughty or Nice), a Christmas paranormal romance novella.

RFI West -- Publisher of my science fiction romance novel, Starkissed, to be released the summer of 2002.

Excerpts and reviews are available at my author site.

Isn't it time you tried an e-book?

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