mortals have passed this way since May 18, 1997.
Has it really been nearly five years since I put this page together for
the first time? Lots of things have changed in that time. Since then I have become a
published author! I have one novel and two novellas available at this time.
None of them are myth related, but all are romances. If you would like to read excerpts
and reviews, visit my author site. There you will
also find excerpts from my forthcoming Greek Mythological Romance novels and novellas!
I've had to reinstall the counter. I have no idea what the count was when the old
GeoCities counter became defunct. Seems like it was in the 800's. So I've added 800 to
the new counter stat of 247, starting the new counter at 1047.
I've let this site go for far too long. I will be updating pages as quickly as possible.
I've been here so long, I hate to let it go. This was the first site I put together when
I started learning HTML. After this overhaul (ca. April 2001) it probably won't change
much unless I can find the time to make it what I envisioned it to be when I first created
the site. It was supposed to be a showcase for my writing, but I also intended it to be
a place where I could re-tell the myths in modern language with my own spin on things.
Of course, this morphed into my writing myth-based romances. But I think--if I can find
the time--that I will try to go back to my original vision for "Zeleia's Greek Mythology".
So please bookmark and visit from time to time. Who knows what you'll find the next time
you visit!
Any comments, questions, or suggestions, sign my
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This site updated May 2002 by Lanette Curington.
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