Religions Round Table Web Ring is open to all sites that are either listed
in the RRT somewhere, or to those who are fans of RRT and have some religious
content on their site. This web ring, in cooperation Yahoo!GeoCities
is an effort to network ALL religions together all over the world. We will
not accept sites that contain pornography or could be deemed as a hate
site. Other than that, if you would like to join, we welcome you.
Please use this form
to submit your site to the queue. Then all you have to do is copy the HTML
code for the ring from the next page you will see after you submit your
site or from the e-mail you will receive shortly, and add it to your existing
HTML code for you web site. Your final step is to e-mail us,,
and let us know that you have added the HTML code to your site. We will
review your site and make sure the code is correct. If there are no problems,
you will be added to the ring!
If you have lost the HTML code, you can get it here.
Just remember to make the changes to personalize the code. Instructions
for this are on the page.
Please note that sites without the Font
Ring HTML code are automatically removed from the Font Ring queue after
2 weeks.