I'm Jon Fleming and this here's my homepage. Folks who know
me call me "Jed", a nickname I earned in highschool on account of my liking
for dungarees and plaid, I reckon. Somehow, against all odds, I wound
up writing software for a living. I haven't been at one company for
longer than three years on account of a combination of bad luck and bad
judgement. No surprise there.
Anyway, seeing as how everyone and their dog has got themselves a webpage these days, I figured one more bonesack on the bandwagon couldn't hurt no one, no how. Let me know what y'all think. I'll be more than happy to chew the fat. |
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Last updated March 20, 2007
Been on me a sabbatical for seven months now. After 14 years of staring down the business end of a cathode ray gun, I needed to get some fresh air to recharge my batteries. Took my motorsickle and went up to Alasky. I also got me an open pass at Wonderland, which is one of your high-falootin' amusement parks. Spent a lot of time in the summer months riding the water slides.
January, 2000
Well, the wife finally got tired of me settin' on my can and told me to get my lazy carcass off to work. So, I loaded up the truck and moved to Bellevue-lee. Seattle, that is. Optionaires. Music stars. I started once again as a software developer at a wonderful little company called GoAhead Software. Best job I've ever had.
April, 2000
The long awaited arrival of a Jed littl'un, Malcolm James. Weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs 5 oz. Really gotta hand it to K.C., she made a mighty fine wee feller.
June, 2002
Then Lucy Gwendolyn
came along.
May, 2005
Now working at Microsoft Game Studios on tools for Xbox games.
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This site is an ongoing effort, so please bear with it's rank amateurity. And thanks for visiting. And
y'all come back now, hear?