Statement of Beliefs:                     (Entry Page)

#1. We believe that the underhanded and secretive movement to establish a one-world socialist government must be stopped as it is a threat to freedom-loving people everywhere.

#2. We believe that the principle of equality does not allow for quotas, job set asides, or fast-tracking of promotions based on race, gender or ethnicity, whether to correct for past historical wrongs or not.

#3. We believe in the sanctity of marriage, and the family and view attempts to undermine these as a threat to freedom, democracy, and society itself.

#4. We believe that feminism is an attack on motherhood, the family unit, and society itself.

#5. We believe that the attempts underway by feminists, gay rights activists, socialists and others, to undermine society, are being orchestrated by a higher power intent on our destruction, namely Satan. We further believe that these forces are born out of Satanism for this express purspose.

#6. We believe in the rights of families to educate their children as they see fit, free from political influences in the classroom.

#7. We believe that hollywood, our popular media, universities and public schools all have been infiltrated by a communist one-world agenda, just as Joseph McCarthy tried to warn us of years ago.

#8. We believe that we must do everything in our power, and by whatever means necessary, prevent the establishment of a one-world order state.

#9. We believe that the two most important forces in the prevention of tyranny are strong families and strong morally-based religious faith.

If you believe as we do, then you have become an
Enemy of the New World Order. *Note: the term NWO has now been replaced with terms like, "Civil Society" and "global governance", however the intent of those behind these movements has not changed.

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