It seems some are having difficulties leaving a spirit stick in guestbooks. As you might know, it's customary for a fighter to leave a sprinkling spirit stick behind when visiting another fighter's site, for good luck and such.. :o) If you don't know how to do it, read on!
A Spirit Stick
The first thing you need to do is to upload the spirit stick image to your server.
First you save the spirit stick on your computer, then you use FTP or a page builder program to upload the image to your homepage.
Then you find out the *direct URL* to the spirit stick.
For example, if your homepage is at, your spirit stick is probably (unless you uploaded it to somewhere else) at (
When you sign a guestbook you write the following in the comments box:
<img src="">
(for example, <img src="">)
.. Which will look like this:
If you get a broken image CHECK YOUR SPELLING! It's easy to make a typo and just making ONE little mistake may it all up.
Dreambooks sometimes "break" your image (the image is not showing/loading), so it may not be your fault.
You might want to try out your HTML code before you go around and sign guestbooks with it. You do this by signing a GuestWorld or SpiritBook (by TSF) guestbook. They let you preview your guestbook entry before sending it. If you get a spirit stick image in your preview you've done it, you know how to leave a spirit stick! If not, there's probably something wrong with your code.
Please note that some servers won't let you link an image from your homepage (like we've done above) (more info: see below)
Questions? Email me.
Servers that won't let you link a spirit stick from your site are:
If you know of more, please email me.
Watch this space for more How To's. :o)