Hello there! I'm Fairy of Mercy, I dust the Starfighters at the Site Fights. I've been a fairy for a long time now, feels like forever, and I've witnessed the change of Ladies and the coming of new fairies. I was here when even the First Ones were old...
(heheh, just wanted to say that! *smiles*)
A bit about the Starfairies
A long time ago we (the Starfairies) had a kind lady called Lady Nymphaea. She was a busy lady, but still she always had time for us. It was back in the days when our fairy leader was called DFairy, now we have a "new" leader called DFairy Star. We adored our Lady Nymphaea, but then one day she was sweapt away by the myst. We never saw her again...
Her replacement and our current lady is called Lady NighStar! *big smile* She is so amazing, loads of fun, always there for us, always thinking up new fun things for us to do! *S* And of course, she's always delivering the news from around the fights, helping us when we're wondering about the Site Fights rules. I've gotta tell ya, there couldn't be a greater lady than our Lady NightStar!!
This is Fairy Lena. She had lost her wings and went into hiding, but I found her wings and adopted this scared little fairy to my fae home. (It was a TSF hunt) She's an original, please do not steal her from me, go to DRealm of DFairies and adopt your own instead. And who am I?
I'm an 18 y/o fairy called Fairy of Mercy. I used to be Wee One Sister of Mercy (also for the Starfighters) for a few months before I became a fairy.. The Wee One days were so much fun!!! Committees, parties, enthusiasm.. *S* I sure miss those days!! Not to say that being a fairy isn't as fun, because it is! It's just in another way. :o)
Who are you..?
Wouldn't you love to sign my guestbook..? Heheh, that way I'll know you were here and get the chance to visit you back! Also, if you're not a fairy but want to become one (or a wee one if you're under 18), just visit DRealm of DFairies. Any questions? Email me.
Wanna make me very happy? Then please sign my guestbook!
Yea, I know, you're a busy person, but just say "hi" or something.
Please don't take the images used on this site. Some I could allow you to use, but please mail me before you decide to steal my work/gifts given to me personally. Thanks. Oh, and anything Site Fights is copyrighted by DMan inc. I think.