I find it very unfortunate that some Site Fights people don't even know there is such a place at the Site Fights called DMessage Board. It's a fun place, full of happy people and games! It's an easy way to get to know the people behind the sites and the teams and there are endless possibilities for expressing creativity, I think it's a great place! So, I created DMessenger to spread the word of DMessage Board to the fighters.
Visit DMessage Board at the Site Fights (opens new window)
I've created a guestbook signature that I sign fighters' (and other Site Fights people) guestbooks with. You can take a look at the DMessenger signature.
Do you also feel that DMessage Board isn't getting enough attention? Then join me! *smiles* If you make a guestbook signature or a message that you let other people know about DMessage Board, please notify me and I'll put a link to your site here on this page. Who knows, if there's many people doing this we could form our own little group like dhunters and dspirits and stuffs.. but that's just daydreaming right now! *laughs*
Again... Visit DMessage Board at the Site Fights (opens new window)
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