... What's a Spoo without a Ben, hmm? ...

Spoo Spoo is madly in love with Ben and Ben seems to be pretty crazy about Spoo too! blah.gif Ben's full name is Benjamin Sisko, but if you know anything about science fiction you'll soon realize that's not his real name. Spoo's name is just Spoo, but have you heard of anyone called Spoo in real life? I'm guessing no, right? *S* We are Spoo and Ben, aka Jenn and Joe. And yes, THAT's our real names! *S* Ben

Note, the links in the text go to sites outside my spirit site and the browser should open a NEW window so you can continue to be here AND surf other places at the same time.

Our Fighting Times

Well, I (Spoo) am a Site Fights nut! Whenever I'm online I'm always doing something Site Fights related sooner or later, and when I'm not online I write cheers to the Shout it Out and think of new things to add to my spirit pages. When I first joined the Site Fights I of course told Ben about it and it didn't take that long to get him to sign up too! He joined with his site Benjamin Sisko's Universe (now on a different server with a different name) and I was fighting for the 2nd time with my site Flarnloop's Place. Of course we were both on a WONDERFUL team called The Starfighters!!

Then one day we thought we'd enter our site called Loopy Love (or The GeoCities Loopy Love, the mirror site) that we both made together. We actually made it all the way to The Dome!! It was a wonderful time, I really enjoyed co-fighting with Ben.

Here are links to our sites, in case you're interested in learning more about us nutters. *smile* Ben is SO dreamy, I'm so lucky to have found him, please take a look at his website(s)!

Spoo and Ben websites
Spoo Ben
Flarnloop's Place Joe's Universe Redesingning underway
Flarny's Space ---
Star Stuff - spiritual, mystical ---
Where No Shadows Fall (babylon 5) ---

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Truly, Madly, Deeply by Savage Garden