Malaysia, my Homeland XAVIER~21' S   HOMEPAGE Malaysia, my Homeland

At Langkawi with my cute companion
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Hello web surfers! The Internet or the WWW is a great thing, isn't it? Information is so widely available.

Sometimes we don't even know what we want to see next. That's right, we are now in the information age.


Unless we know where we want to go, no matter how much information or knowledge we can gain, it will not take us any where. In the information age, things changes and moves rapidly.

Some of us may not realize it. But in reality, if we're not doing anything about it, about our direction in life, we are indeed falling behind and lets hope it's not too late.

Just imagine taking a bus or a plane without knowing where it'll take us to.

Do you have a clear picture where you're heading in your life?
There was a saying that goes,

"The greatest things in the world is not where we stand,
but in which direction we are going"
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