About LMW Works

LMW Works is a New York State based publishing company operating as a L.L.C. Our company focuses on educational games, lecturing and historical literature.

Our Goal

Our primary goal is a simple one: to publish our own ideas in the area of history for educational purposes. With Classical Hack we hope to make history fun and enjoyable through educational gaming. To this end we publish Classical Hack, , Classical Hack Scenarios Macedonia, Classical Hack Scenarios Macedonia, Holy Hack, Homeric Hack, Hack in the Dark and Knight Hack. To further this goal LMW Works hosts a company of authors who deal with other historical periods.

To promote our publications LMW Works travel the east and west coasts demonstrating our game systems utilizing highly detailed models to illustrate seminars. You will find our seminars and models inspiring and illuminating. Many of our models have won awards at most of the major gaming convnetions. One example of our models is The Ancient city of Tyre. We have even supplied models used in commercials to promote interest in history and miniature gaming. While flippant things like this do get the message across.

LMW Works is not a vanity press. We assist others in getting published when they are outside the traditional existing publishing networks. LMW Works publishes books in order to provide authors an avenue to platform and show case their ideas and ideals. Authors seeking a publisher can send letters of inquiry to us at LMW Works. If we find your title is marketable we will happily consider working with you.

Another goal is to support local educational institutions, associations and societies with lectures on many different subjects and periods of history. Clubs, convention groups and other such organizations who wish to have us to lecture should contact us in advance of their event in order for us to schedule our time accordingly. This is a service which is negotiable.

LMW Works does not do direct sales to the general public with the exception of members of the Classical Hack Yahoo Group. In stead we rely on distributors who sell to the general public and local shops.

LMW Works maintains a web presence at the Classical Hack Web Site. Besides the web site we also publish The Classical Hack News Letter where you can read about our adventures in publishing, history and educatiional gaming.

Please write to LMW Works at:

211 Greentree Road
Tonawanda, New York 14150

Our product line can be found at LMW Works Publications.

Our Classical Hack Page can be found at Classical Hack.

For e-mail use: lynne@lmwworks.com


Copy Right 2009 LMW Works All rights reserved.