This is my page of poems. Most are mine, but if you have a poem you would like to be put on this page e-mail me and I will put it on here. And yes, I will give you all credit for it. |
A Mother's Choice-published in Above the Clouds You started to laugh But now you cry It's tearing you apart Something beautiful inside Blooming like a blossom Growing everyday You want to keep your secret To throw it all away
You walk into the crowded room And everyone stops to stare You look around and the you wonder Does anyone even care?
When at last it's over You feel so cold and empty Now's when you begin to cry And finally begin to see
You took a life to save your own You never will know whose You begin to wonder, given the chance Which path it is you'd choose. |
I am a little bug Crawling and skittering Tickling your ankle And buzzing in your ear I annoy you greatly But you'd miss me if I left |
Mother, Mother I cry out in the darkness Please make it stop hurting Mom, oh Mom Who is it behind the mask? The face you do not show? Mommy, Mommy I am so afraid But I love you so |
Untitled #1
He put my heart inside a blender and hit Frappe. And when it was done he poured it in a glass and offered it to me. And when I reached for it her laughed and spilled it |
The Weeping Willow
She planted a tree next to his house A tree meant to signify all that she felt She struggled to forget what she had said But the hate she had felt pounded in her head She had loved him so dearly but now he was lost His tenderness with her now only in thoughts She waited for years while the tree it did grom Through summer and rain, through winter and snow And the years dragged on as time tends to do But finally her wait, at last it was through She saw him once more, just to say bye Hurting inside, though she tried not to cry
She stood under the willow tree, still as a mouse And hung herself from the tree by her dead lover's house |
Meaningless words Written with tired hands Chipped polish and cracked nails They make no sense Not to the multitudes Not even to me |
The Mustang's Prayer
The Mustang stands worried His numbers are down He wishes to go back To the time of the Indian When His kind were numerous When he stood proud Walking tall Carrying the Warrior into fierce battle The Prayer stops suddenly Hunters draw near The Mustang runs, swiftly Still imagining He's carrying the Warrior on his strong sleek back. The gun 'explodes', the Mustang jumps And as He falls,from the bullet He screams a challenge to an imaginary enemy's Stallion.
I'm Sorry #1
They took my friend away today They said that she was evil That she had been seen dancing Dancing naked in the wood
They took my friend to trial today But her fate was decided before it began The whole while long she cried and screamed Screamed "Tell them! Not me! You!"
They didn't hear my pleading cries "I was dancing in the wood, not she, It was me who was there, celebrating, Celebrating the Sabbat beneath the Moon!"
They sentenced my friend to death today We both screamed as they read the verdict Tomorrow at dawn they said she'd burn Burn at the stake for her evil crimes
They wouldn't let me see her last night They said she'd corrupt my soul I wanted to tell them, I wanted to! Wanted to say "It wasn't her. t'was me!"
They took my friend to the stake today And asked for a confession one last time Staring in my teary eyes she cried Cried "T'wasn't me, t'was she"
My friend tried to point at me today But her hands tied behind her defied her And the executioner laughed and replied Replied "Trying to blame an innocent? Ha!!"
The lit the fire beneath her today And as the flames licked at her dress Our eyes met and I mouthed these words Mouthed "I'm sorry. I love you!"
My friend died at the stake today But she did not die alone As she screamed in burning agony I ran Ran up and leapt in the flames
My friend forgave me today As I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her tears She smiled through the pain and she gasped Gasped "I'm sorry. I love you!" |
I told you that I loved you I did not push you away Yet you ran into her open arms My fragile heart broke that day
I needed love, just not physical You seemed to have need for more You looked into my eyes, then fled And left me standing at the door
She killed you with her 'love' that day And you are dying slowly, bit by bit I love you still and it hurts like hell What you did made me feel like shit
I pray everyday for help to come The means to make you well again I pray everyday that I may forgive you And that I will learn to love again
She turned my heart to stone that day The pain of this death I don't think I can bear But if nothing else, I hope you know this No matter what, I can't help but care |
Life is a Riddle
The tears want to flow But I do not know why I see you through a veil You turn a blind eye I stop to think And forget to start again I begin to cry The tears never end I write bleak poetry Where everyone dies I talk to friends But my tongue speaks lies My mind is fuddled My words all aju,ble When I walk down the hall All I seem to do is stumble My thoughts run rampant Round and again around I go outside Just to lie on the ground I stare up at the clouds And smoke a cigarette or two My friends come to talk to me But all I talk about is you My life feels like a soap opera She sleeps with you while you sleep with me No one believes my troubles are real They seem to absurd But not to me I know you are bad for me I know it in my brain But my heart doesn't realize You're the cause of this pain. |
Tears of Rain
The Solitary raindrop Falls down to splash wetly On my upturned face. And I think To myself; as I look up to the darkened Sky-"Isn't it ironic?" That the cold Rain splashes on my face; mixing With the teardrops; assuring That no one knows just How much I miss You!
(It's a sad sorry attempt at concrete poetry, I know. It's supposed to be a droplet) |
We pass in the halls Never speaking, never touching The occasional nod, occasional glance Nothing more Outside these walls is another world A world of shared laughter A world of embraces We talk of meaningless things We exchange playful jabs And all the while I'm thinking I wish there could be more Subtle hints are taken But you think them just jokes The attempts at flirting are answered But do I know if you are joking or not? No! I want to get to know you One on one, not within crowds But always there is someone else A friend of yours; a friend of mine And the words that want to flow Are checked by their presence I want to get closer, you don't push me away Do I push you away? I hope not; sincerely. I feel we could be much better friends Maybe more, maybe not But the stifling presence of everyday things Seems to inhibit my feelings for you Day to day it gets stronger The need to pull you in Away from the world To show you my true self The one kept hidden To find out your true self Or to find I know it already |