Mission of Love
Offering Aid
To Those in Need

Mission of Love Submissions Page

Mission of Love Homepage

Most of us who have travelled with Kathy have a large collection of photographs.When we get together we seem to spend most of our time passing photo albums around the room and pointing at pictures.We say things like,wasn't that the day that..,or,Oh yes,I remember that little boy,he was so cute,and,I remember that! Mostly we just say ooh and aah a lot.

We thought it might be a good idea to try the same thing on our website,so we created the submissions page.This is the place where we can put pictures sent in by our friends.You won't be able to hear the oohs and aahs,but if you want to include your e-mail address your friends can send them to you that way!

If you think you might be interested in seeing some of your pictures here, then please check out our:

Submissions Help Page

There you will find complete instructions on how to make the arrangements.(What it finally boils down to is that I do all the work !)

This is how your pictures will be presented.Just click on the highlighted words to see the pictures, or send email to "John and Jane".


Submitted by: John and Jane Doe
While travelling with Kathy and her friends we met a cute litte girl,a little boy called Pequeno, and a very friendly young man.
Keep in touch
e-mail: John and Jane