A man as great as Shaun is hard to come
by. Through his writing
he finds solitude and comfort. I have known
him for a few months
and he is always been there for me through thick and thin and as
I write this I realize what a true friend he has become to me.
Although I dont see him as much as I would like, he is always willing
to offer a shoulder to cry on or lend an ear.
The poetry found on this site will make
you laugh, cry and realize
what true relationships are, for Shaun has put his whole heart and
soul into every word he wrote and I hope you find comfort in it as
much as I do. So as you enter this site, be
prepared to fill your
heart with the most beautiful words, I know I have
I Love you Shaun and I am so
glad that I have found a true friend
like you, take care of you and remember, if you ever need a friend,
I am always just an ICQ away!!!
Take care and Stay true
Terra Morrison

You're Special
You are a special girl that's for sure
You have a kindness that's genuine and pure,
Almost to kind that you are
Not like that's bad for it will get you far,
And you are good to the bitter end
Even if they aren't nice, no one do you want to offend,
If there was a Richter Scale for caring
It would surely register a ten
For your first question always is how are you fairing,
And your long flowing locks are surely a site
That beautiful smile always brings delight,
For no man could pass you by
Without at least a wink of the eye,
And probably a flirtatious word too
For there aren't many as good as you.
- Shaun P. Weasle

Sometimes when
Im sad and low and need a helping hand
You are always there for me to help me to a stand
Sometimes when Im all alone
and staring at a clock
You are always there for me to make me want to talk
Sometimes when I need a laugh
and a friend to show the way
You are always there for me and always make my day
Sometimes when I need to
cry and life has reared its face
You always seem to fill my heart and help me find my place
I'm glad to have a friend like
you that makes me see the light
Without you I would be lost and then would lose my fight
There's one more thing that
must be said and we both know its true
That everytime I talk to you I realize how much I do love you
Terra J Cameron

Clocks Keep On Ticking
Everyone has tough times in their life
When the would rather quit than fight
And when you feel like giving in
A true friend will help you win
For your friend will fix the pendulum
when you clocks broken
Just with a few kind words spoken
And when the person who needs help
is as good as you
Repairing the clock is an easy thing to do
So when you feel your life is losing time
And moving the hour hand has no reason
or rhyme
Just remember a great clock you do have
You can call on me to be your maintance and repairman.
- Shaun P. Weasle
