
"The Autobiography of Poetry"

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Hello !!!
I am Shaun P. Weasle,
I'm glad you stopped by, I hope you enjoy all the poems.
I have worked hard for many years on poems and
now I would like to share them with all of you. You
will find some very special poems written for
family and friends, And then there are ones I just
felt like writing. *S* So please enjoy,

And feel free to
Drop me a note ,
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at the bottom of the page .

Thanks Again

"About the author"

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new1.gif (3385 bytes) The Adult Arcade new1.gif (3385 bytes)

With our lives so stressful these days
It's always nice to have some getaways,
A place where the impossible dream can be made
After some hard earned money has been paid
Plus time spent in the adult arcade,
Spending twenty dollars can get a lot more
than a plastic children's game,
Riches and some unknown friends you will attain,
Or folks that want to try real hard to be your friend
After seeing you hit the royal flush by drawing the right ten,
When you walk into the adult arcade where do you begin?
With thousands of machines waiting for you to give them a spin,
Maybe a large cushioned table with pretty red dice
Ready and waiting for someone to entice,
Or could it be a small spinning white ball
That will make you rich if it takes the right fall,
You could also choose a simplistic card game
If an ace and face show up blackjack you can claim,
Just be cautious and make sure the adult arcade
Doesn't end up with all the money you have made,
For if you let it control your destiny
You will lose all you own, and not be happy,
The adult arcade can really be a lot of fun
Just make sure you know when your done.

-Shaun P. Weasle

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new1.gif (3385 bytes) The Beauty Of The Sea new1.gif (3385 bytes)

We are all fortunately free
To enjoy the beauty of the sea,
Everyone can walk to the shore
And find a shell with a surprise in store,
For picking up a crab would surely be neat
Although not something you should keep,
Nature should always be left in it's place
So future generations can find it in the same space,
Freedom means something more to you and me
As we all have an important responsibility
So a clean shoreline we all can come see,
Very often we find diapers that can't decompose
Even plastic rings, cigarette butts,
and broken pieces of radiator hose,
This happens far to much and really is a tragedy
So we just turn our heads and pretend to not see
But to be rather frank that isn't how it has to be,
Because if we all pitch in we can restore the beauty
Which will keep our marine wildlife and waters free,
So next time you go to the beach, look around
Pick up waste you find, and don't throw any down,      

  - Shaun P Weasle

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  "For that special someone"

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new1.gif (3385 bytes) A New Start new1.gif (3385 bytes)

Sometimes friendships are worth a new start
When two friends can forget why they feel apart,
For nothing good comes from holding on to the past
Certainly not a new friendship that will last,
The best way to start over is forgetting the anger
Since things won't work out if that continues to linger,
Then you must get past the sadness
By making new memories full of gladness,
Next step is getting past the blame
For both are responsible just the same,
Finally you must restore lost kindness
If both of you can do this,
A great friendship will surely begin full of happiness.

- Shaun P. Weasle

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"More poems" 

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new1.gif (3385 bytes) The Rollercoaster Of Life new1.gif (3385 bytes)

In all our lives there must be ups and downs
When happy faces sometimes become frowns,
For everyday can't proceed as planned
And if the ride isn't going well try to understand,
Occasionally the coaster will stop on the track
Then you must make sure to get your composer back,
For our lives can't go into pause mode
So if things aren't going well find someone to help carry the load.
And that shouldn't be very hard to do
Since everyone has a coaster to content with not just you.
There's nothing wrong with signally for help via SOS
When the coaster has derailed and caused you distress.
Just ask a friend or someone who really cares
They will surely flatten the track and complete all the repairs.

-Shaun P. Weasle

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