Sydney, Australia

About Newtown Synagogue

Organised Jewish life in Newtown commenced in around 1883 in the form of a minyan held at the home of Abram and Naomi Solomon. Their home was 6 Georgina Street, around 50 metres from the current site of the Synagogue at 20 Georgina Street.

Five generations of Jews have participatied in the life of this congregation. Australia has few Jewish communal buildings which carry the heritage, history and architectural merit that Newtown Synagogue possesses.

Continuity of Jewish life is an ideal that motivates those who work and participate in the life of the Synagogue. According to government statistics, there are 400 Jewish households in Sydney's Inner West. Most of those do not participate in organised Jewish life. Our mission statement is to draw some of those people back. Physical heritage in terms of a beautiful, historical synagogue and spiritual heritage, in terms of a link with five generaions of Jewish life in Sydney, is Newtown Synagogue's raison d'etre. This is what will draw those people back.

Attachment to Jewish continuity is why Jews have supported and will support Newtown.


Regular services take place at the Synagogue on Shabbat and Festivals, at 6pm and 9:30am,as well as extraordinary services for Rosh Chodesh and Fast Days.