So what do I believe?


Because the Bible contains just too many religious traditions it would still be a very general and too broad a statement to make to say that you base your belief only on the Bible as it also contains many different interpretations of various individuals whom contributed to it. Even if one would just confine oneself to the New Testament only you would have the Gospel writers on one hand the writings of Paul on the other and individual contributions such as John, Peter and James offsetting the whole scenario. When one just concentrate on the life and sayings attributed to Jesus one can more or less through build a picture of a particular person's interpretation of God and scripture.

Jesus never used as far as we know any name for God other than My or Our Father in heaven. I believe this was so because the Jews were not allowed to utter Gods name in public and because he must have been quite aware of the various traditions and names these traditions favour in the scriptures. One must however be able identify your God from the many other concepts there exist in the various religious traditions, and giving a god a name is one way. However even if many people call on just one particular name they still do so from the basis of different particular beliefs they have about the person of that god. It is therefore my belief that no name is important but rather the spiritual entity and its personality that is associated with that name. Beliefs about the personality of any god whether he exist or not reside in the minds of his believers, only when he reveals himself and there is consensus in such revelations can we build a profile of such a god's person.

Through one man Jesus we have a revelation of the Heavenly Father and through many after him we have confirmation of his revelation. In essence I still believe I am a Christian, as I have not tried to break away from or ignore my past I feel it is an important tradition to build on, I believe we must continue the learning process within our own traditions. It is my belief therefore that if I as a Christian would focus on Jesus personal experiences with God, through his person is a spiritual portal to attain a particular spiritual consciousness that would lead me to certain scriptural interpretations and insights.

The danger is that we must not tie ourselves down to one interpretation only as new generations will progress from what we believe to be relevant today, to beliefs that make our beliefs and interpretations irrelevant to them. Many churches hang on to a specific structure that simplify managing their spiritual needs, interpretations, and organisation but they need to be much more dynamic if they are going to survive. I believe that our understanding of the life and times of Jesus and interpreting scripture is a continuing growing process.

In each religion there are individuals; founders and reformers that each brings a new interpretation or a fresh look that ultimately change the way practice their faith. It could be a Martin Luther a Siddhartha Buddha whoever but each contribute to our spiritual heritage. Churches can be seen as living monuments to individuals who contributed to our spiritual evolution. Churches are not just about dogma and theology but we see how people come together and express their beliefs in worship and fellowship according to a particular interpretation. They try to give expression and try to come to terms with certain spiritual needs they feel. Beneath a change of age lies a change of thought. That hidden change would at first influence only a few but it would continue to expand. I know of no more moving story nor any more revealing of the biological reality of growth in consciousness than that of intelligence struggling step by step from the beginning to overcome the illusion of proximity. Humanity had lived and many still do in a narrow world, unaware of the true dimensions of time and space.

The spiritual part of human beings that animates their physical existence and survives death, this entity is related to but distinguishable from the body and might only be called conscious when it is to some degree aware of itself. Consciousness is the operation of an inner eye, scanning certain of the mind's own internal operation. Altered states of consciousness occur when the high-level brain centers that unconsciously selectively command lower-level components during mental activity tap directly into aspects of the unconscious. Aspects of the unconscious can be considered powerful energy systems which when accessed by the individual could overpower and disrupt one's psychological balance an effect that brings on either positive or negative thought patterns.

Following the increasing complexity of living beings and focusing on their nervous systems, more precisely, their brains, and the growth in "cerebralization" we are led to the mammals and, among them, the anthropoids. The complexity of their brains is paralleled by the complexity of their socialized behavior. We nevertheless transcend them in some essential manner The source of this transcendence is "thought" or "reflection." In moving towards higher and higher forms of consciousness this movement is most apparent in the evolution of the human species. The power acquired by a consciousness to turn it upon itself, to take possession of itself as of an object endowed with its own particular consistence and value: no longer merely to know, but to know oneself; no longer merely to know but to know that one knows. Has Evolution a definite direction, evolution is it merely a theory, a system or a hypothesis? It is much more: it is a general condition to which all theories, all hypotheses, as systems must bow and which they must satisfy henceforth if they are to be thinkable and true. Evolution is a light illuminating all facts, a curve that all lines must follow.

Evolution moves in the direction of an ever increasing conscious that brought about biological changes The process then led to the advent of though or reflection. However, the process did not cease there. Man discovers that he is nothing else than evolution become conscious of itself. The consciousness of each of us is evolution looking at itself and reflecting upon itself. The direction then was toward such a growth in consciousness.

Is humanity simply swept along in an evolutionary stream into the future over which we have no control? Or we could see that in the future an evolution conscious of itself but also able to direct itself. Not only do we read the secrets of evolutionary proceedings; but also for an elementary part we hold through our slightest acts responsibility for it's past and in our hands its future. Evolution moves ever more clearly toward self-direction; it is now something we determine. Still man is not the center of the universe as once we thought in our simplicity, but something much more wonderful-the arrow pointing the way to the final unification of the world. We are faced with a harmonized collectivity of consciousness to a sort of superconciousness. The earth not only becoming covered by myriad's of grains of thought, but becoming enclosed in a single thinking envelope, a single unanimous reflection."

However we are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual being having a human experience. As our own Being expands and finds freedom from the illusion of personal isolation. Towards collective consciousness So that at the world's Omega, as at its Alpha, lies that what made us spiritual beings, not something that was impersonal but that had a person and directed evolution "Omega," the last letter in the Greek alphabet, simply refers to the final stage of evolution. At the end we become one collective consciousness under one head and one body that absorbs all. But the body made up of many different parts. No one can deny that a global network of economic and psychic affiliations is being woven at ever-increasing speed, which envelops and constantly penetrates more deeply within each of us. With every day that passes it becomes a little more impossible for us to act or think otherwise than collectively this global brain has not the same qualities as a human brain. But it is not correct that the global brain is only the sum of the human brains. Every human's brain can notice things with help of the cyberspace that would otherwise be missed. But in the cyberspace the informations are too many for a single person A human brain works with billions nerves fibbers like a clock mechanism, but the global brain is made of independent persons each with their own intentions

Widely different human cultures around the Earth are now converging toward a new collective consciousness at which consciousness can find a new unity. Already humankind has covered the Earth's surface with a collective human consciousness through advances in communication technology and its related media superimposed on the already-existing biosphere. The result of human evolution on this planet, will be an integration of personal consciousness in one spiritual and conscious body headed by the spirit of Christ at work in the world.

Language is as important issue as a growth in consciousness. In language simple concepts exist, out of which complex ones are constructed. The relations of these objects to one another are represented, or pictured, in language, and only what can be so pictured can be stated intelligibly. The nature of the picturing relationship cannot be stated; because it is not a fact or an object, it can only be shown. Even though the relation cannot be articulated, it is possible to see it, and it must hold if language is to represent the way the world is. Therefore, the traditional problems of philosophy are not solved, but rather dissolved, because they arise from a failure to understand the picturing relations; consequently, the problems ask for answers to questions that are nonsensical. Dispel philosophical perplexity and the way to escape the bewitchment of the mind by language is to examine in detail how the language in question is used in the particular language game in which it is found. The logic of our language is misunderstood once the nature of meaning is grasped, the problems cease to exist. By analyzing the relation of language to the world, we can show the boundaries of what can intelligibly be said or thought.

We subconsciously possess two separate personalities: an outer public self that is involved with the world of his family and peers, and a secret inner self that feel a special closeness to God the individual's striving for integration and wholeness. What motivate it must be understood in terms of a general creative life energy capable of being invested in different directions and assuming a variety of different forms. This is a spiritual energy that generates ideals in the subconscious that motivate evolutionary progress and we become aware of this through Christ consciousness. It manifest within us in two principal directions introversion, or inward into the realm of images, ideas, being and the unconscious; and extraversion, or outward into the world of other people and objects but ultimately in collective consciousness. This Account for the many striking similarities between independently originating symbols in individuals and across cultures, The existence of two layers of the unconscious psyche: the personal and the collective. The personal unconscious comprises mental contents acquired during the individual's life that have been forgotten or repressed, whereas the collective unconscious is an inherited structure common to all humankind and composed of the an original ideals residing in the subconscious. This lead to an innate predisposition to experience and symbolize universal human situations in distinctively human ways. There are an original ideal residing in the subconscious corresponding to such situations as having parents, finding a mate, having children, and confronting death, and highly elaborated derivatives of this original ideal residing in the subconscious populate all the great mythological and religious systems. The deepest layers of the unconscious function independently of the laws of space, time, and causality, giving rise to paranormal phenomena, such as clairvoyance and precognition. More coming soon!
