Ritual for Peace

Contributed by my friend Debi
Design this ritual to suit your needs
Choose candles color that represent the things you seek peace for

From out of the dark and into the light,
A circular mark, a candle burns bright.
I look towards the sky...my song do I sing.
Spirits soar high and gifts do I bring.
I offer my all! My mind, I then clear
Harken my call! I feel you are near.
Candle burns higher: my spirits set free!
Hotter than fire, this magick will be!
Let magick come round, from under the ground,
To form with my sound and then, to be bound!
Around me I feel the magick so real,
Before you I kneel... the spell I now seal!
Let all hatred CEASE! and let ther be PEACE!
These words that I say, with magick AWAY!
Let the magick I've laid, go forth and not fade!
So Mote It Be...

Banishing Negaticity

Find a large mirror, one you can position
so that you are able to sit before it.
Burn a white candle and a black candle
in front of the mirror and meditate there
for awhile, focusing on purifying
your energy.
Repeat this each night
three nights in a row
Also, try burning some cinnamon,
frankincense, gardenia or sandlewood.
Once you are done each night
don't blow out the candles,snuff them out instead
After the third night,
bury the wax remaining from the candles

Thank you Debi for being my friend

A Simple Love Spell

You will need:

A rose quartz crystal
A pink or red candle
Rose incense
and some love to give

Light the incense and the candle.
Think of all the good things love will give.
Take the crystal and hold it close to your heart
while saying:

I raise my voice to the Goddess
And the God to help in the
Manifestation of love in my life.
I know that I am ready for the
Give and take of love.
I put my faith and trust in you
With the knowledge that the one
You bring is worthy of the gift of love
That I shall give.


You Will Need:

A protective stone (optional)

Imagine a protective sphere around yourself,
and tie a knot in the string each time
you recite this:

I bind all those who hurt me.
Send them back
What they have sent me
Three times three.
Wear the string around your arm or ankle
with the protective stone.

NOTE: It is best to have specific persons
in mind when using this spell.
There are persons who love you
but unmeaningly hurt you,
and there are those who
unmeaningly hurt you for
their own selfish emotional reasons.

This recitation is fairly general
and should be molded to fit your own needs.


You Will Need:
Sea salt
Spring water
White candle

Sweep your house and discard the
dust outside your home.
Starting from the East, carry the
incense around the inner
perimeter of your house and say:

"Powers of thr Air, cleanse
my home of any negativity"

Imagine the incense absorbing
all negativity and spiralling
out of your home. When you are
done...say Thank You.

Then continue with the candlefor the powers of Fire,
the water(sprinkle) for Water,
and the sea salt for Mother Earth.
In each turn, visualize the elemental
banishing all negativity from your home.
You'll know you're done when your home
shines with a white blinding
light or feels right to you.

Don't forget to thank the
elementals for their help
Keeping herbs in your home,
black stones in the corner,
lighting incense and/or
black and white candles,
and visualizing a giant
bubble surrounding your
home deflecting any negativity.

Love Potion #9

9 oz. sweet red wine
9 basil leaves
9 red rose petals
9 cloves
9 apple seeds
9 drops vanilla extract
9 drops strawberry juice
1 ginseng root, cut into 9 equal pieces

By the light of 9 pink votive candles,
put these nine ingredients into
a cauldron on the ninth hour of
the ninth day of the ninth month
of the year. Stir the potion nine
times with a wooden spoon, each
time reciting the following
magickal incantation:


Bring the mixture to a boil and
then reduce the heat and let
it simmer for nine minutes.
Remove the cauldron from the
heat and allow the potion to cool off.
Blow nine times upon the potion,
bless it in the names of the nine
love-goddesses, and then strain
it through a cheesecloth into a clean
container. Cover and refrigerate it until
you are ready to serve it to the man or
woman from whom you desire love and affection.
A word of warning: This potion is extremely
potent and should be used with caution.
Its results can be very intense, long-lasting,
and often difficult to control or reverse.
So please be absolutely sure before you
give it to an intended lover that he or
she is the right one for you, and vice versa.

APHRODISIA: A Passion Drink

1 pinch Rosemary
2 pinches Thyme
2 tsp. Black Tea
1 pinch Coriander
3 fresh Mint leaves
(or 1/2 tsp. dried)
5 fresh Rosebud petals
(or 1 tsp. dried)
5 fresh Lemon tree leaves
(or 1 tsp. dried lemon peel)
3 pinches Nutmeg
3 pieces Orange peel

Place all ingredients
into a teapot.
Boil three cups or so
of water & add to the pot.
Sweeten with honey,
if desired. Serve HOT.


Put the following things in a drawstring bag:

1 Rose Quartz,
1 Pink Feather,
and 1/5 Cup of Clove.

Get one pink candle to burn
while you're chanting the spell.
Now light the candle and
chant the following words

"Love shall come to me by
the powers of three,
by my will so shall it be!"

At this time anoint the bag
with holy water and say,
"The bag is sealed and
the charm is made."

A Spell for Getting a Raise

You will need:

A pen
A green candle
A one dollar bill
A recent pay-check stub
And bayberry, bergamot or pine oil

Gather the spell materials together
on the first night of the new
Moon. Write your boss' name
on the candle and below it,
draw an arrow pointing down.
Draw a dollar sign beneath the arrow.
Below that, draw another arrow
pointing down, then
write your name under it.

Anoint the candle, while
concentrating on your
need for a raise.
Write the amount of the
raise you need below the
net amount shown
on the check stub
and add the two together.
Place this under the candle.
Light the candle and visualize
your boss approving
a raise for you.


From you to me the money flows
Casting out financial woes.
The raise I need shall be approved
Before the light of the next full Moon.

Let the candle burn down completely.
Wrap the wick and any wax
remnants in a dollar bill and
carry it with you.
Ask for the raise
on the Wednesday
before full Moon.
