
Written 3/11/00

The winds of change are blowing
The cleansing rain is flowing

I used to crumble
At the rumble
Of the thunder in your voice.

The times are changing
I will stand tall!

You won't be able to hurt me at all!

Say You....

Written 05-14-99

Say you need me...
Say you want me...
Say you can't live without me...
Say you love me...

Say these things because this is how I love you.

A Walk Through the Woods

Written 2-6-99

I walk through the quiet woods,
The dry leaves crackling under my feet.

I think of times gone by
The mist swirls around my feet and
muffles my tears as I miss you so much.

I continue to walk
dawn breaks and the sun
paints the sky glorious shades of red.
I can't help but remember the glorious
times from the time
when we were one.

As I walk I come to a cliff
I watch the waves crashing
on the rocks far below.

I stare and wonder
if I just let myself go
will the pain of being without you stop?


Written 11-13-98

Silently sitting by the window
Sadly sitting by the phone.

Impatiently waiting for the mail
Looking for anything from you.

You never show at my window
You never call
I never get a letter from you.

Silently I sit and the sun sets AGAIN!

Stand By Me

Stand by me when I get scared
Pick me up when I stumble and fall
Hold me when I am hurt by the world
Listen to me when I need to talk
Be quiet with me when I need that too.

Realize that I will fail at times
but also realize that doesn't change
the love I have for you.

I have hurt you and done things wrong
but I have never stopped loving you.

Stand by me and I will stand by you and
we will be one for eternity.

I Stand

I stand in the dark
Watching the rain
My tears are falling faster
Than the rain

You are not here and my
Heart is breaking
My thoughts go to what
I did to make
You go away?

Please stop the rain in
my heart and make the sun shine.

Come back to me.

What Do You Think

What do you think when you see me…
What do you think when you touch me…
What do you think when you hold me…
What do you think when you kiss me…
What do you think when you leave me…
What do you think?

Words of Love

I met you and I knew suddenly what all
the words of love meant
I knew what it meant to be loved
by someone wonderful
I suddenly knew what
was important to me
I had what I needed
to make me happy

I grew scared of this strong
feeling I had for you
I found reasons to
make you upset
I never knew I was doing
it until you stopped loving me

After you stopped loving me I
knew what I had and lost
and it broke my heart
and made my soul cry
Now words of love make me cry,
words of love show
me all I have lost

I wish I could turn back
the hands of time
and take back all the words
of hurt and make them
all the words of love


As Time goes by
I realize that the more I learn
The less I know
I thought I knew what love was
but as time goes by I wonder
If I will ever know
After years of being in a desert of love
You came to me and turned my life into an oasis
of love
But as time goes by
Love is drying out and I feel it blowing away
Like dust in the desert and with it I feel my heart
Closing and it hurts
Will I ever learn
Will I ever find the love that makes me blossom
Like a flower after the rain?


We met as friends
We talked as friends
We came together for a friendly hug
The emotions exchanged in the hug
Surprised and scared me
Time went on, my feelings for you grew
But I was scared
You promised a lifetime of love
I'm willing to take that chance
I beg of you
Don't throw me away
or my lifetime of love
Will turn to a lifetime of tears

The Soul-Mate

As you travel through life
You meet and love people in different ways
Til that day the person you were destined to
Meet enters your life
The one person in all of time who is your soulmate
the person who makes you feel so right
The one who fills your heart with joy
Your body reacts to their touch as if by magic
Your soulmate is the person who touches your heart
And soul and stays there for all eternity and beyond
Even if this love were to leave
They would always be the only one you love
And need to make you whole and complete
The only one forever!



The days before we met are
all a bittersweet memory
You came into my life and
now the days are bright
With promise of a life shared!

The days of sharing and loving and holding
are becoming a promise for the future.
We've been through so much
in the short time we've been together that
it seems we have known each other forever.

We are still learning about each others hopes and dreams
what shakes our belief and
what makes us cry.
I have hurt you with thoughtless words but
through it all
one thing was always there
the love we have for each other.

My hopes and prayers for a happy life
are wrapped up in you
because without you
All my days will be pain and darkness
With you
all my days will be sunshine and lightness
I love you dear!

poems © Char Peterson '96


Happy Holidays

Written 11-27-97

This is the season to be happy
that is what I am told
You are what I need to be happy
You beside me
You to hold me
You to kiss me
You to love me

With no you in my life
My holiday will be blue
Make my holiday a
Happy one and tell me
"Only You!"

Tell Me You Love Me

written 10-17-97

Tell me you care about me
Tell me you want me
Tell me that I’m special

Tell me we will be together forever
Tell me that this is forever
Tell me that I am your only one
Tell me I am all of this

Even if you have to lie
Because I don’t think
That I could survive without you

Tell me please!


written 9-20-97

It is said "eyes are the mirrors of your soul"
I wonder what you see when you look into my eyes

Do you see that I love you
Do you see someone special
Do you see the one that you love?

Do you see me???


written 9-14-97

I look down into the still water and
See my reflection
I start to cry
My image blurs with my thoughts of you
And the hurt I have made you feel

As my heart is breaking
I lay back and close my eyes
A gentle breeze dries my tears

I fall asleep and my dreams are of us
So deeply in love
Walking together then
Talking and kissing

I wake up alone and the sun is gone
The breeze has turned to a cold wind
It starts to rain as I look for you

I run and start to cry
My tears mix with the rain
I am alone and fall to the ground
My heart breaking
Wishing you were still here with me

I love you still!!


written 8-16-97

Silence fills my days without you
Silence fills my nights too

Silence in this house where
once love was heard
Silence in my body where
joy once was heard

Silence fills in where
angry words were spoken
Silence all around me

Why can’t I silence the sound
of my heart breaking and the sound of
of my falling tears ?

My Light in the Darkness

written 7-30-97

‘Til I met you I was living in the darkness of Love Lost
You came to me like a shining beacon in the dark
You showed me hope when there was none
You gave me love when I thought there was none

I thought I was lost in the darkness that was my heart
I was cold and lost and you gave me warmth
You held me until I was warm and safe
You whispered words of love and hope
I felt hopeless until there was you
I now feel hopeful that there really is
Love Everlasting

Please always be my light in the darkness
Without you my world is cold and dark
And I am lost forever

Love is like a Butterfly

Love starts out as a caterpillar creeping up on you
You feel warm as if you are in a cocoon
Love starts to blossom into a beautiful winged creature
letting you soar to new heights
Love’s gossamer wings takes you places you have
never seen or experienced
Then Love flies away to find a new flower
Can you keep love without
clipping its wings?
Once its gossamer wings are clipped
will it ever be the same?


Images in the mirror
Are we what we see
Or are we what we do
Are we our jobs or our hobbies
Or are we what we feel and think

Are we who we love
or are we who we are friends with
Are we how our children grow up

Are we all of theses things together
or are we the Images in the mirror?



A smile from you lights up my world
It makes everything right for me
To see you smile at me with love
in your eyes makes me feel so good

When you frown at me, it makes my whole world dark
I try to find a way to make you smile again
To make it right again

I try to always make you smile because
to see you frown makes me hurt inside
Please always look at me
and smile with love in your face!



Dreams of you and I fill my mind
Dreams of hugs and caresses
Dreams of touches in sweet,dark places
Dreams of deep touches that make the
love flow out of me

Dreams of kisses all over
dreams of touches all over
Dreams of you and I as one
Dreams that make me melt,and grow warm
As the thoughts take over,dreams that make
me touch myself as I want you to touch me
Dreams of little licks and kisses in places so warm
Dreams of nibbles and touches that make me moan
Dreams of love exploding as we make love forever as
The world drifts away and eternity takes over!



You had faith in me when
I had lost faith in the world
You loved me when
I hated myself
You held me in the darkness
of the night

You whispered words of love
as I cried
You held me so tight
and made the ice
that was my heart
begin to melt

You gave me my faith back
and made me believe in love
once again


White Horses

There are those that don't believe
in knights with shining armor
nor in the steeds that carry them
into battles for love and honor

In a world grown cold and tired
evil things abound
dreams are lost when we hurt
where is Love to be found

Every woman needs to believe
for her there is a knight in shining armor
or love and romance are gone forever
and she will live in a world of never.

Don’t live a life without a dream
Believe in knights on white horses
A life without a dream is cold
and ever oh so dreary.

Have a dream and believe
you will have your knight
and white horses



You call me from where you are
with words of love and hope!
Calls that speak to my heart and soul
with promises of love and joy
for the future.

You call from a distance
and make me laugh
with the words you say

Your heart calls to mine
from deep within
Your love calls to me
I will always answer your love
with my love!



Love started as a feeling inside
that began with a hug
that I never wanted to end

Love grew as a flower grows
with the spring rain and warmth
I reached for your love as the flower
reaches for the sun

Love started to wither in the hot
summer sun as time went on
We grew apart!
The realization of what I was losing
hit me hard. I’ve never known what
love was until I felt I had lost
your love and respect.

The scars are deep, the healing is slow
and painful but with time
maybe love will grow in our hearts
and heal the hurtful scars

New poems© Char Peterson '97

