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This is a specialized architectural web site and it contains lot of image files, it may take long time for complete download. You can start moving trough sections while images will come smoothly. Enjoy your time with us and thank you for visiting.

You can take a wonderful tour and learn lot of nice things about graphics, while you listen to a voice comment in background, so turn on your speakers!

You may choose certain item or click next to the bottom right of each section or even just leave it, it will slide slowly to let you see the content of the full page, and finally do not forget to sign our guest book.

Who is Harmony?
Graphics made by computer
See our work samples
Other cool links
Things to download
How to contact us?

Presentations & advertising
2D, 3D Animation
Music, Audio & Video editing
Software & Hardware Courses

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Best Regards,
Mohamed Mostafa


Who is Harmony?

Harmony is:
A vision to establish promising architectural group specialized in making architectural presentations such as perspectives, 2d painting (plans, elevations,..) & animation. Collecting a group of talented architects who are specialized in this filed to achieve a high international level of quality. Have a look on my work samples. I hope it can get your satisfaction, you can see some Sample directly from here.

Author of this page:
Mr. Mohamed Mostafa, Egyptian from Cairo, Al-Mohandeseen. An architect graduated from Cairo University Faculty of Engineering in (BSc 1992), made (MBA 1996) in construction techniques & project management.
Currently working and living in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Gained lot of technical experience through working with international companies and consultants as:
- Nakheel as concept presentation manager (currently).
- Khatib & Alami Consultants as senior graphic designer (2002-2005).
- Al Hashemi Consultants as CAD manager (1999-2002).
- Dar Al-Handasah as an Architect (1992-1999).
- IBM as a computer Instructor in computer graphics (as part time 1994-1999).

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Are you interested in graphics made by computer?

If you are an  Architect or even interested in computer graphics, here are great samples of Architectural  Interiors and  Exteriors 3D Studio Max. Accurender , LightScape Soft Image , and more...

Try to achieve this level of quality of rendering to give the sense of photo realistic.
If you need some 
advice o or to take a course in this field , just contact me!

Useful information about graphic
contact us.

[click the image to enlarge]

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Come to see our work samples.

Here are some sample of our work. Architectural Perspectives, Elevations & Plans rendered by computer using lot of Great software. Such as 3D Studio Max.Accurender , Light ScapeSoft Image, Adobe Photo shop and Corel DrawWe hope you like them all. If you need some help or to take a course in this field , just contact us soon.

contact us.

Send me Your request to see our C.V. and we will send it to you by e-mail our C.V.

[click the image to enlarge]
Projects in Cairo

[click the image
to enlarge]


Projects in Dubai

See, this is a sample of student project

Recent projects

Work samples (Animation)

Animation 1 (CIRD)
Animation 2 ( Dubai World Trade Center )
Animation 3 ( MY Flat)
Animation 4 (Qatar Culture Center)
Animation 5 (Qatar Ministry Office )
Animation 6 ( San Stefano Hotel )
Animation 7 ( Under Ground Shelter )

Do you want to take course in one of the following software?
Auto Cad, 3D studio Max.
Adobe Photo Shop, Corel Draw
Adobe Premier, Sound Forge
Macro media Director, Web Designer
And lots more ? Just Contact Me

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Other cool links

United Arab Emirates
Auto Desk
Kinetix (3DS Max.)

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Things to download, Wow !

Tu Cows



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How to contact us?

Dear visitor,
Here is several way to contact us and you are welcome any time.
You can select one of the following ways, but the fastest one is to send us SMS to 00 971 4546115
If you have lot of things to say, then 
Send E-mail.
Finally you can 
Call by phone, Mr. Mostafa’ mobile is : 00 971 50 4546115

Visit our other home page .

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Computer Graphics is a very huge subject to talk about, but shortly here is a quick idea:

Graphics are required for lot of fields in our life such as:

-Printing (Magazine, News Paper, Brochures, Stickers…)

-Architectural presentation of projects (To enable the customer to imagine his future project before it becomes real)

-Selling and advertising (Art of sale tells us that it is very important to impress the client with your product, high quality Catalogs and brochures are your way for that)

-Computer software (program interface, tutorial programs, demos especially games should be well designed graphicaly, you may evaluate a software according to it's graphics quality)

-Education (students learn easily if they see interesting pictures).

-Web sites …and more.

Virtual reality means how to make the man live in your designed world. You force him to see, hear, smell, taste and interact with only what do you create for him. Using special instruments and tools. He may use his arms and legs to resist certain force or to walk in your own world. He may not be able to defer between this world and the real one, especially at the moment he lives this manufactured world.

Multi-Media is a great subject, it deals with how to interact with the user, how to get his attention, how to control his feelings as much as you can, by several ways vision, hear…
By graphics you can through from his eyes, by music and sound effects you through from his ears directly to his brain. If you are talented you can get his brain and his emotions, and of course his money.

Animation's are animated graphics such as cartoon movies and architectural walk through. You may need to express your idea by a sequence of standstills such as slide show, or you may need to show a complete movie.

Standstills are divided into raster and vectors. They may be mono color (black and white) or colored.

Vectors stand for line drawing such as engineering drawings and sketches. It uses the minimum width of the line (or depends on the printer accuracy) as a unit to measure lengths. It's files called drawing files (i.e. DWG, DXF,..) It is suitable for accurate engineering drawings. You may use a pen plotter to plot your drawing on paper.

Raster stands for areas painting such as photograph. It also depends on the printer accuracy, which called resolution. You may hear (300 dpi) this means 300 dot per inch, the higher the number the higher printer accuracy. It's files called images files (i.e. GIF, JPG, BMP,…). You use a scanner to scan image then do some editing and fine tuning and print it again.

2d: Two dimension (x, y) such as plans and sections.
3d: Three dimension (x, y, z) such as perspectives and isometrics.

Painting: the software gives you a lot of tools such as pencil eraser and brush and you use these tools with different settings to produce a painted image. This requires you to be talented using this tools like the artiest when he sketch his paint first then put certain color then give some effects such as reflection, shade and shadows, texture…

Rendering: first you build a 3d model then you use the software to add lights and cameras, give every object it's material such as marble, wood, glass, choose the location, let it render the scene.
You may define a path for camera to produce animation or just to take standstill, leave to it calculating shadows and reflection, you may use special effects such as lens flare or glow, you may also add some environmental effects such as snow or fog….

To take a course in graphics just contact me. Contact me

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