There is no greater
feeling a person can have than what they experiance on
the day they got saved. If you are saved, you know full
well how wonderful it is to have Jesus come into your
life and change both your heart and life.
  If you are a Christian,
then you also know that it is a wonderful feeling to
share with others what Jesus did for you when he came
into your life and saved you. That is what this page is
for. This page offers you a place to tell the world what
Jesus Christ did for you. Not only can your share with
others, but you can read what Christ has done for other
fellow believers.
   So, why not take some
time to let others know what Christ has done for you.
Just click on the Submit Testimonies button and share, or
if you need to spend some time thinking about it just
click on the Read Testimonies button to see what Christ
has done in the live of others. Either way it will be a
   If you are visiting this
page and you have never experiance the joy of salvation,
I encourage you to click on the How to be Saved button to
learn how to have this joy in your life. It is something
that you will never regret. |