Laman Antropologi


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Biological Anthropology
Cultural Anthropology
Forensic Anthropology
Medical Anthropology
Physical Anthropology
Linguistics And Human 
In Association with

Anthropology of Religion - key concepts and case studies in the anthropology of
Anthropology Web Site - Kevin L. Callahan's.
Ancient Life Center: Early Man Anthropology
Anthap - The applied anthropology computer network.
AnthroLink - a message board, links, and teaching materials, targeted for teachers and
     high learning institute academicians.
Anthropological Multimedia - An experiment in evolving document structure and multi-
     authorship, and discussion of the place for multimedia within teaching and research.
Anthropology Biography Web - biographies of anthropologists and other scientists that
     have had an influence on anthropology.
Anthropology in the News - links to recent articles from various sources about topics of 
     interest to anthropologists and archaeologists.
Applied Anthropology Computer Network
Classics of Out(land)ish Anthropology - reviews of websites that violate basic
     anthropological thinking and perspective.
Development of Western Civilization
Paleolithic Diet Page
William Duncan Strong 1899-1962 - a biography of the famous American anthropologist.
CargoCults- a subject matter in anthropological studies and anthropology of religion.
Journals of Anthropology
British Ethnomusicology
Galaxy site - anthropology and archaeology
Cultural Anthropology Homepage
Physical and Biological Anthropology Homepage
Anthropology dan Archaeology Homepage
Resouces for Anthropologists dan Sociologists
Danny Yee's Anthropology Page
Anthropology Department Homepage Universiity of Potsdam
Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology - University of Kent at 
Theory in Anthropology - Compiled by the anthropology students of Indiana University.
     Provides nice overviews of paradigms and information on leading anthropologists.
Tommi's Medical Anthropology Index
General Anthropology Research Links
Anthropology Minor
Anthropology 100
Anthropology 100 Web Links
Career in Anthropology - John Collier, an anthropologist, as head of the U.S. Bureau of 
     Indian Affairs, was responsible for sweeping reforms in federal policy and relations with 
     Indian tribes in the 1930s.
Anthropology dan Archaeology - St. Mary College.
Cultural Anthropology Wide Web Server
Anthropology Resources on the Internet
Anthropology Infoseek

RAIGBI - The Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland
EASA - The European Association of Social Anthropologists
SAE - The Society for the Anthropology of Europe
AAA - The American Anthropological Association
Anthropology in Action - organization of anthropology
Organizations of Anthropology - Yahoo sites
Association of Cultural Mythologists - non-profit professional association dedicated to
     exploring and developing mythic consciousness.
Theoritical Anthropology - Journal of Anthropology, publication of Institut für
     Völkerkunde, University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7, A - 1010 Vienna.
Current Anthropology - Journal of Anthropology, University of Chicago.
Cultural Anthropology Methods - Journal of Anthropology.



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