Welcome to the Starlight Zone


One of my projects at home at the moment, is to map the sky on my bedroom roof using glow in the dark star stickers.

It's lot's of fun but a lot of work. It's rewarding at night though!!!


To kick off this webpage, I've put together some links for space and astronomy freaks like myself.


Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex Space Shuttle
JPL International Space Station
NASA Hubble Space Telescope
COSSA (Australia) Galileo (Exploring the Jovian Moons)
European Space Agency Cassini (Journey to Saturn)
CSIRO Australia Telescope Mars Exploration (Pathfinder, etc.)
Mt Stromlo and Siding Springs Observatories Stardust (Comet chaser)
Lunar and Planetary Institute SOHO (looking at the Sun)
  Pluto Express