


Lyndelle's Homepage!!!!!!!

As you will see, I am a


To get down to the four basic things I'm on about, here you are:

1. The Funny Side of Things.

2. Inspiration: See things from another angle.

3. God and science.

3. Astroooooooooooooooooooooooooooo - astro-no-my (not astrology!)

So check out these pages and have fun. Hope you find something of interest to you!



1. The Funny Side of Things - A sense of humour is one of the most important elements of survival in a hectic world like ours.

2. Inspiration: See things from



2. God and science are compatable! - that's my view, but make you're own judgment.



3. Astronomy: My hobby. Yours too? Yeah!!

(I'm hoping to devote an entire website to space and astronomy eventually.)

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