Beyond Religion. A 21st Century Theology

FREE E-BOOK!! FREE E-BOOK!! Authoritative 'biblical case' for faith without religion. Concludes that where the welfare of the human soul is concerned, religion has never been the issue for any human being. Instead, 'love is all you need' where love is defined as the act of 'caring'. Reviews by Abbey Reviews and Metaphysical Reviews!!

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"For a work on theology, Alexander Penman's new book distinguishes itself with but one reference in its bibliography--the Bible. In addition, his words can be understood by anyone. Simply, step by step, and with common sense, he sifts through the important strands of God's revelation through that book. The law of Moses is found to be for those inclined not to care for their fellow man, a missive of God's judgment. The law of Christ is for those who care, and is a law of freedom. 'Love thy neighbor as thyself' takes the long person beyond the dead rigor of beliefs--beyond religion. To fulfill this law of Christ leads the aspiring human to become a Christ, essentially an angel, for he sees no distinction between the two. For this purpose it is better to have no other beliefs, he claims, for they only lead to division between those who care. Dogma has been the reason for wars, persecutions, murder, and hatred.

"In examining this simple conclusion, Penman comes to an understanding of the nature of angels and fallen angels, God and the devil, caring man and corrupted man. He sees the nature of good and evil on two levels. He suggests that it is possible that 'the devil' is a particular angel fallen from perfection, but that the real enemy is not him but the tendency not to care within ourselves. This is a refreshing point of view, as other theologies tend to make it one way or the other. Either the devil is some being to be feared, and controlling the earth, or he only exists within ourselves and there is no such 'person'. Though this in itself is a belief system, he is careful to indicate that it is less important than the 'law of love'.

"Without religion, and with adherence to that law, he believes humankind will reach a plateau where the right to individual belief is respected, and tolerance and cooperation supreme. Penman gives us a vision of the new world evolving beyond religion as caring becomes a more and more powerful force. This is theology from the heart, eloquently simple and impelling, a must read for those seeking a new perspective for spirituality in the new millennium."

"copyright 2000 Abbey Reviews" (http:\\


Occasionally, indeed rarely, a book of great magnitude crosses my desk. A book with such depth is the subject of this review. BEYOND RELIGION "...presents religion as being the creation of people as opposed to an instrument of God." Author Alexander Penman has given us a new and refreshing look at the bible...and the law of love.

Mr. Penman presents the case that bible-based religions "...can become a very powerful force that can control the actions of people. Very seldom does the result of this control have anything to do with the love of God." Stated another way "...people are not automatically religious simply because they believe in God. This is true because every human being possesses a quality called 'faith'."

Thus, non-religious people could believe in God every bit as much as religious people do, and their faith would be every bit as valid. Beyond that, man's law which sometimes nullifies biblical teachings, would be set aside, or as Mr. Penman quotes Jesus, "You have a fine way of setting aside the commandments of God in order to observe your own traditions."

The purpose of the bible is to expose God's word, and God's word identifies good verses evil. That differentiation is known as love. Not crusades. Not inquisitions. Not witch-hunts. And, according to Alexander Penman, not belief systems that force us into religious conclusions.

BEYOND RELIGION speaks of a law the offers freedom, not shackles. "This law was established for the salvation of every human being who has ever cared." And this law is administered by God, not man. Alexander Penman has given us a book people will still turn to a hundred years from now.

Richard Fuller, Senior Editor (


Double click on the link located below and you will be able to download the full MS Word version of Beyond Religion. E-mail Alexander Penman at (

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FAITH vs RELIGION. Faith can be defined as 'belief in' anything. Whatever we 'believe in' we also have 'faith in.' If we believe in a friendship, we also have faith in that friendship. If we believe in ourselves, we also have faith in ourselves. Faith also is the origin of all "belief systems" regardless of whether these are religions, philosophies, or whatever, because without faith who would need religion? Faith simply is a part of the human equation.

Religion is the creation of people. It is faith in a "belief system" or a "religious dogma." Most people likely believe that any comprehensive study of the Bible must reach a religious conclusion but this is not true. In fact, the most comprehensive study of the Bible possible does not at all reach a religious conclusion. Instead, such a study reaches a conclusion entirely focused on the most basic issues of "faith."

Beyond Religion examines the validity of faith entirely apart from the issues of religion. It presents the case that where the welfare of the human soul is concerned religion has never been the issue for any human being. This is true because of a largely overlooked "law of love" that is found within the pages of the Bible.

This law is "love your neighbor as yourself," and it was established to draw the one true line between good and evil for every human being. It does not draw this line on the basis of whether or not we have found the right religion. Instead, it draws this line on the basis of whether or not we "care," and there is no other issue, nor will there ever be.

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