Welcome to our Guestbook! We hope you are enjoying our site.

Skio Sellers - 05/26/00 20:51:05
My URL:http://www.bignetwork.com/dp
My Email:skip@bignetwork.com
City, State: Gaston, Oregon

Hi, Sondra and Derek, I’ve been thinking of you so much, as the time before your wedding has been shortening – and now it’s here! It would be so great to be there with you tomorrow evening…but since neither Dave nor I can, we’ve sent you something we figure you’ll use a lot. (The Knot promised to giftwrap it – trust they did a nice job for you.) Anyway, that way, we can imagine we’re there with you as you enjoy it…um, at least part of the time! :-) Come see us in Oregon, and we’ll enjoy sharing ours with you, too! We sincerely wish you both all the very best a long and happy life together can offer! And Sondra, thanks so much for your sweet note about the family shower-by-mail. I would love to see the memory book! Skip

BOBBY D SEAY - 05/26/00 14:25:57
City, State: CONYERS, GA.


Mr. Matthew and Hillary Jones - 05/19/00 06:06:56
My URL:http://www.mindspring.com/~matthewtjones
My Email:matthewtjones@mindspring.com
City, State: Columbus, Georgia

May God bless both of you in your union and in endeavoring to bring all of your hopes and dreams to fruition. We wish you all of the love and beauty that this world has to offer. This is a special time that will always be rememberred as one of the most s cred and spritual times in your lives. Have a wonderful wedding, a roaring reception and a devilish honeymoon. Cordially, Sicerely, and Lovingly Matthew & Hillary

David and Skip Sellers - 05/15/00 06:04:43
My URL:http://www.bignetwork.com/dp
My Email:skipdave@earthlink.net
City, State: Portland, Oregon

It’s been so much fun visiting your most attractive “WEDsite”! (I admit I’ve been lurking for a while.) (And you know all about this one, too, right? http://www.ai.mit.edu/people/jnorris/friends.html What an unexpected pleasure to have Google find Derek and Sondra on a totally different site as well – good job, Jeff!) Sure wish we could be there joining in the festivities surrounding your nuptials. But I do hope to hear all about it. All the best, Skip

Tammy - 05/13/00 00:26:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/punk/babybrendan/index.html
My Email:luvmylilguys@aol.com
City, State: St Louis,MO

I'm very excited about being a part of such a special wedding and seeing the Krishers after all these years. Sondra, I wish you and Derek the best in life and love! I look forward to seeing you and meeting your other friends and family. Not long now! ee you soon.

tara - 05/01/00 14:42:10
My URL:www.homestead.com/tidbit13/homepage.html
My Email:taramarie@mail.com

you suck i what that pic off of there! or i out of the wedding! HA

Kara Hamilton - 05/01/00 14:30:30
My Email:kdh@orix-cac.com
City, State: Louisville, KY

Wow! This is so exciting. Congrats on the engagement and I can't wait to witness and be part of such a special time in your lives. I have known Sondra and her family half my life and value their friendship towards our family very much. Can't wait to see ou. Till then, happy planning and don't stress too much. Kara

Willa Hamilton - 04/25/00 03:43:01
My Email:aillw@aol.com
City, State: Crestwood, Ky. 40014

Great Job!

Katie - 04/24/00 17:44:59
My Email:kategoodman@yahoo.com

I love the site! You two are just waaaay too organized! Much love, Katie

Christopher Cleary - 04/24/00 00:57:47
My URL:http://www.voicenet.com/~cscleary
My Email:cscleary@voicenet.com
City, State: Bensalem, PA

Hey Lady! I just gone done talking to you. I'm in the process of wrangling your grandfather down to the wedding. In my opinion, his not coming is not an option. He's the grandpa, so he must be present. And I know it would mean a lot to both you and your mom. So now we're in the process of finding a sitter for Kay while we are away. Don't worry, we'll handle it. ;-)

Peggy Whitcomb - 04/18/00 18:48:16
My Email:peggyclowney@aol.com
City, State: Conyers, GA

What a neat site! Your pictures were wonderful but you said nothing about Derek's background - there has to be a story behind that. Of course, the picture of your Dad (Tim) is very fitting. Lee and I wish you the best of everything and may the best day of your past be the worse day of your future.

Theresa Steinbrenner - 03/03/00 22:46:09
My Email:mrs.tsteinbrenner@juno.com
City, State: Sacramento, CA 95818

Enjoyed your web site contents. Hope to see you in May.

dale and mary wyman - 02/25/00 23:22:58
My Email:maryd@progressive-tech.com
City, State: eden prairie, mn

Pretty snazzy!

Aichholzer - 02/07/00 06:58:35
My Email:aichholzer@stamag.co.at
City, State: AUSTRIA

We wish you and your boy friend the best start in your common part of live.

Shayne Uhr - 02/06/00 00:21:21
My Email:shayneuhr@home.com
City, State: Greenville, SC

Hello! I'm heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere.

Kevin Jones-Kern - 01/19/00 20:11:36
My Email:kjonesk@bgnet.bgsu.edu
City, State: Toledo, OH

Warmest and most sincere best wishes to the happy couple, just as soon as Sondra finishes up those quizzes and the gradebook. I am genuinely very happy for you both. Kevin Jones-Ke

David and Marianne Zalut - 01/12/00 19:22:26
My URL:http://www.mydoctor.com/fpdocdave/
My Email:docvoll@home.com
City, State: Cherry Hill, NJ

Great site. Will check it to see changes. David

Carole Steinbrenner - 12/22/99 23:42:53
My Email:carolesteinbrenner@iname.com
City, State: Newport, RI

Paul and I send our love. May will be here before we know it. I wish mothers could wear tuxes! The fathers have all the luck. Hopefully, I will find something to wear so that I can go :)

MaryKatherine Colvin - 12/22/99 23:24:18
My Email:jpcolvin46@hotmail.com
City, State: Conyers GA

Hello!!! Your site is really cool

Tara Krisher - 12/22/99 23:21:08
My Email:ccsu8673@earthlink.net
City, State: Conyers, GA

Wow! Neat! Cool! Fanatastic! 2 Thumbs up...a must see! The Maid of Honor looks particulary great!...Love Tara

Roy & Lillian Norris - 12/13/99 03:32:18
My Email:rnorris@premierweb.net
City, State: Savannah, Ga


Sondra - 11/09/99 16:22:44
My Email:rsondra@iname.com
City, State: Bowling Green, OH

Derek, Thanks for all your hard work on our site! It looks great! Love ya! Sondra

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