My Souls' Mate
You echo in my heart,
I feel you beating there.
With youthful eyes I sought you
In every face I met.
I dreamed dreams we would not part
But could find you nowhere.
Your eyes followed me, searching for you
In every new face I met.
Mate of my soul and my heart,
I feel you in the sweet sunshine,
In the soft spring breeze,
And in winter's quiet snow.
True heart of my heart,
Intoxicant richer than wine,
By Dawn your image flees
Leaving an echo in the daily flow.
Deep Vision of my soul,
Longing for unfulfilled dreams,
Name whispered in unnumbered lives,
In silence I reach for you.
Oh Love who makes me whole!
I follow down Times uncharted streams
Only that sweet echo survives
Ringing in my heart as I search for you.
A tantalizing scent in the air
Leads me daily toward you .....
The richness of your voice calls
To me just beyond the reach of my ears.
I know you are somewhere out there,
Your lifeglow just out of my view,
Nor can I hear your footfalls.
I follow your glimmer through the years.
Many lifetimes slip quickly away,
And full of hope I await the day
The symphony of our souls may play,
As we join at last in triumphant song.
poem by Karen Shell, Copyright © March 9, 1999