I "grew up in the church". My parents took
me to church every Sunday. I attended junior church, Sunday
school, and Vacation Bible School. I was baptized at a young age.
I was in the children's choir and the junior usher board. I became
vice president of the youth usher board, vice president of the LA district,
and second vice president of the state of California in the National Union
Usher Board. I was a lead singer in the male chorus and the youth
choir. I was a Junior Layman. I gave speeches; I went to conventions
and conferences across the country. I was the first chairman of our
church's Junior Deacon Board and maintained that position for 7 years until
I moved away.
At a point in my life, I began to realize that although I had been in the church all of my life, there were still many things that I didn't understand.. Some of the questions I had were:
I began reading the bible for myself. At some point, some of the reading became difficult. I prayed for God to give me understanding, and after that everything started to become clear to me. For every question I had, I was guided to a source for the answer. I realized that I had viewed the bible as a book of quotes. I knew scriptures here and there, could recite all the books in order, and could find any verse within 7 seconds, but didn't really have an understanding of the books as a complete piece of work. I also came to realize that knowing a few verses without understanding their context had mislead me. I realized that some of the things I believed to be bible truths weren't even in the bible. As I read, I began writing down the verses that I found interesting or that related to my questions. Eventually, I had dozens of verses and began grouping them together into topics. Next, I began trying to find every verse in the bible that directly related to each of my topics. As I talked to various people (Christians and non Christians) about religion, some topics related to my studies arose. I began to give the collection of verses to the people. Some of these people commented that the bible verses weren't clear to them, so I started adding explanations and summaries to the studies. One day I decided that it might be a good idea to put these studies on the web. As I complete them I will add them here. There are also some secondary topics which aren't listed on the main page, but can be reached from within a related major topic. I list as many related bible verses as I can find in the hopes that you will read them and form your own opinion. I also include some references to other authors. I don't always agree with the reference. If nothing else, hopefully this site will encourage you to read the bible for yourself. All Praise be to God, --Mike
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