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  The United Christian Church has an active and enfranchised membership. The many responsibilities of maintaining a living and growing congregation reveals steadfast commitment on the part of those who donate their time to serving on and chairing the various committees of the UCC. A list of the various committees and major responsibilities follow:



Works with the Minister and Elders to ensure relevancy of services, both in content and in context. Supplies, special needs, and special services, including accompanists and holiday needs, are the responsibility of the Worship Committee.

Primarily responsible for the annual pledge drive in support of the General Fund Budget. Additionally, the Stewardship Committee is charged with helping members learn to invest their time, talents, and money in the Church.



The post-worship coffee-hour, pot luck dinners, parties, and social events of all types are the fruit of Fellowship Committee design and labor. The Committee also produces the Newsletter, oversees the Prayer Chain, and updates the Church Directory.

Grows the church by sharing the UCC ministry through a variety of channels, including newspapers, visits with community newcomers, and the creation of a web page site, such as this one. If you like this site, check out the church that inspired it.



Through study and evaluation of the congregation's needs, the Committee develops and administers Christian education programs for children and adults. Additionally, the Committee plans and administers the Vacation Bible School each summer. Overall, the Committee attempts to foster an atmosphere were learning is encouraged and new people feel welcome.

The Outreach Chair oversees budgeting of a percentage of the General Fund. the Committee asks for a percentage of the total budget. The monies go to support the UCC's affiliate denominations, the minister's Discretionary Fund, and the other organizations and schools selected by the Church to receive financial aid. Outreach also administers the Emergency Pantry.

"The inner workings of the United Christian Church"

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