The Joy Of Anti-Mormonism.

No Mormons Please.

"Dear Lord, give me chastity and self-restraint... but not yet, O Lord, not yet!"
St. Augustine A.D. 354-430

Mission Statement

This site takes an humorous, irreverent, and satirical look at the teachings and leaders of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints". If you are a member of the LDS Church you may not want to go any farther. But feel free to take a look anyway. This site is not endorsed by, or responsible to: "Saints Alive", "The Utah Lighthouse Ministry", "The Christian Research Institute," or your Mama. The author takes sole responsibility for the content in this site.

This site was created to give the people who have decided to leave the LDS Church a confirmation and reaffirmation of their decision to leave. This site is also a celebration of the joy, freedom, and liberty, one gets from leaving the bondage of a counterfeit "Gospel of Jesus Christ" and entering a true relationship with the real Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This site is also an outreach to those who have been the victim of this faith. By seeing the humor in what they have lived through, it is my hope that this will accelerate the healing process. This is not a debate on whether the LDS Church is the true "Gospel of Jesus Christ" or not, on this site that decision has been reached.

It is my hope to enlighten the members of the LDS Church of their false beliefs using humor. It is also my hope to give Anti-Mormons and Ex-Mormons a place to kick back, relax, and have a good time. Enjoy!!!

Dana Robertson
Ex-Mormon Extraordinaire.

Update 10-18-99 If you enjoy this site, check out, Another very funny look at Mormonism. One of Exmormon Robertson's favorite places to visit. Tell them Dana sent you.

Update 10/31/99 For even more fun, check out Those Darn Mormons!. I see great things happening here.

Update 12-9-99 I have just found this new web site that not only deals with the topic of Mormonism, but also all the other major cults. The site, Spotlight Ministries has some good insights. Tell Vince that Dana sent you.

What people are saying about this site!!

"I laughed until I stopped!"- Bob in NC
"A brilliantly written expose' on the LDS Church"- Wendy Freeman
"Your site made me chuckle..."- Andrew J Adami (A Mormon!)
"The Top Ten Lists and Trek thing were genius.."- Travis Clark (Another Mormon!)
"I'm a True Blue!!! I knowed teh church is troo."- Kevin Graham (A Dumb Mormon)

See what everybody is talking about!!!

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(Another Mormon Visits My Web Site.)

If you find something funny about the LDS Church, let me know! I'll be glad to give you full credit. Or if you're a Mormon who thinks I'm the Anti-Christ and would like to help me go to hell sooner by sending me a carton of cigarettes (Salem 100's please), Contact Me!

My Address is:
5 Star Humor Site
Dana Robertson
1150 W 1st St.
Merced, CA 95340
or E-Mail Me
Hate Mail Welcomed !!!
Copyright: © 2000 by "I Hate Mormonism Inc." Anti-Mormonism for a New Millennium

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