Welcome to Professor Zeta's Data Page
at Geocities

Professor Zeta's site at Valencia Community College


Operated by Zeta Data CEO Tim Mazzotta, also Professor of Mathematics, B.A., M.S., (O.K.?) formerly at ............

Sites/Stores I endorse:

Lauriane, Co.

Unique Pieces for Unique People


Save a bag, Save a life, Save the world!









Here are links
to my families'
web sites
Timmy's Page: TPGM2
Tony's Page:
Crissy's Page


Prac 2006

My 2007 Christmas Wish List    


This little picture links to the original  art work
by Bob Sonnenberg --------->
I have a few e-mail addresses.  But for now I would like to be reached at: 
Here is some information on a math contest I help produce: 

1998 LM Edwards/Orange County Math Contest/Superbowl Page 

Mathematical points of interest:

Four interpretations of the limiting value of a function

Derivation of the quadratic formula

Calculus II

Zeta's Index Adjustment Theorem

Calculus III

Ordinary Differential Equations





Check out one of
Zeta Data's
many subsidararies.
Mofile Air Tech,
specializing in Auto AC Repair, Auto repair, Home repair. ----------------------->

 These are great bike shops:

Some of my favorite people are...
Photographs of Family Photographs of Friends

Number of
page hits since
March 4, 1998
Hit Counter