Take, oh take those lips away,
that so sweetly were forsworne,,
And those eyes: the breake of day,
lights that doe mislead the Morne;,
But my kisses bring againe, bring againe,,
Seales of loue, but seal'd in vaine, seal'd in vaine. ,
by: William Shakespear


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Name: IcyFem
Hair colour: Blond
Eyes: Hazel...Blue/Green
Freckles: Yes, haha
Country: Canada
Fav Time of Yr: September
Fav Holiday: Christmas
Fav Movie: Forrest Gump
Beer: Keith's
Snack Food: Roast Chicken Chips
Something you don't know about me: Tie a knot with a cherry stem with just my tongue! lol, &
turn my tongue particarly upside down..sheesh eh lol
Best quality: My sense of humor
Something I do to annoy people: Stare at them with a frown or annoyed look

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