Codependency and Control
Some interesting items for you at this site |
A short quiz to find out what characteristics of Control and/or Codependency you might have Go Here |
The Five Progressions of any cult group/environment: Go here |
What happens when Control and Codependency are present in the home: Go Here |
How do you handle sexual abuse and harrassment in the workplace when Control and Codependency are present? At Work |
Are churches getting too Controlling? Go Here |
What happens in governments when Control and Codependency is present? Go Here |
Faustian Covenant.
1. Keep the Person unaware of what is going on and the change taking place. From Cults in Our Midst by Margaret Thaler Singer
Ask. Seek. Knock.
The Key picture and tiger animation courtesy of: Matt.7:7 picture courtesy of: The Links courtesy of: ©1999
(Faust: A German magician and astrologer who sold his soul
to the devil in exchange for worldly experience and power.)
2. Control the person's time and, if possible, their physical environment.
3. Create a sense of powerlessness, covert fear, and dependency.
4. Suppress much of the person's old behavior and attitudes.
5. Instill new behavior and attitudes.
6. Put forth a closed system of logic; allow no real input or criticism.
"I ask you be citizens, not spectators;
citizens, not subjects."
from George W. Bush's Inauguration Speech
Jan. 20, 2001
A Key
The Key out of dysfunctionalism is to keep on asking,
keep on seeking, and keep on knocking at the door for the answer.
Codependents are afraid to ask, seek and knock.
Controllers don't wish to.
Recommended Reading
The Betrayal Bond by Patrick J. Carnes, Phd.
The Pursuit of Attention: Power and Individualism in Everyday Life by Charles Derber
The New Thought Police by Tammy Bruce
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Who exactly are
Controllers and Codependents?
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for her invaluable assistance.
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