People, pleeeeease submit me fanfics, you know mine suck. If you have any fics, I would be overjoyed to have them. Here are the guidelines for submitting:
1~ Send them all to
2~ Just send them in e-mail form.
I know some people have great lemons or normals, but I get very pissed off when I see certain couples out there that shouldn't be. CID AND VINCE MAKE A SHITTY COUPLE!!!! I will not accept any fics about that crackpot and Vincent, I mean that couple just sucks. Anyway, please submit me some fics, I'm begging you!
3~ I will gladly accept anything yaoi or yuri with open arms. I'd be especially flattered if someone wrote a Calcium Man lemon or yaoi or yuri fic! But the chances of that happening are, like, one in a bzillion?
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