The polymathic obsessions of

In this photo, I’m holding a cempedak (Artocarpus champeden) fruit, a smellier and stickier relative of jackfruit, that was given to me as a going away present in Brunei (1995). Look here for other photos of me.
- Tok Nogut: An Introduction to Malediction in Papua New Guinea (by THS),
Maledicta: The International Journal of Verbal Aggression 11: 75-104 (1996).
"... un eccellente esempio del genere..." (from a review in La Stampa by Alessandro Barbero, Professor of History, University of Rome, January 15, 1996)
- A comparison of price, rarity and cost of butterfly specimens: Implications for the
insect trade and for habitat conservation (by THS, Larry J. Orsak, and Olaf Malver),
Ecological Economics (21:77-85, 1997). See abstract. Data in this article is for Papua New Guinean
butterflies. An earlier article, "Killing butterflies to save butterflies," on this general topic was written by L. J. Orsak.
- One Thousand One Papua New Guinean Nights (by THS, manuscript completed). This is a large collection of folk tales that I have translated from Papua New Guinea Pidgin English (Tok Pisin) into English. This book will be published by my company, Masalai Press in October 2001.
- An annotated bibliography of New Guinean folklore
- A bibliography of Melanesian Pidgin English dictionaries, phrase books and study guides
- Where Is that Papua New Guinean Village?
- I am the editor for the Pidgin and Creole Languages and Tok Pisin sections of
- I am a contributor to the new revision of Mihalic’s Tok Pisin dictionary.
Useful pointers:
Slang, Pidgin Englishes, and English Creoles
Feminist Folktales
A bibliography of feminist folktales.
A punk rock bibliography.
Useful pointers:
- Insects in Chinese medicine (by THS), Food Insects Newsletter 4(3): 5 1991.
- A comparison of price, rarity and cost of butterfly specimens (see above)
Useful pointers:
- Montes Azules (a butterfly ranching project in Mexico)
- Earthwatch (offers some entomology projects which accept volunteers)
Various Odd Bits:
Can the corporate homogenization of culture be reversed?
My favorate blog: Kali Mao
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© 2003 by Thomas H. Slone.
Last modified July 6, 2003.