KEY Club International
Project Ideas
The Cali-Nev-Ha Project Manual - ONLINE!!!






    The original California-Nevada-Hawaii District's Project Manual was written by Carrie Chen, 1998-1999 CNH District Secretary. This web site is sponsored by CNH's Division 44 South. We welcome any comments, suggestions, or ideas. Please e-mail these to:

    * Service projects with stars next to them are best during the holidays.
Miracle Mile for Quarters
Trick-or-Treating for IDD - go around and collect money for IDD
Divisional Manhunt - have officers dress up in disguise in a mall and have others try to find them. They
    need to say a secret phrase once they find them. Charge $5 for each person that participates in it.
Answering Phones at Telethons - answer the phone at a telethon and take pledges!
Special Olympics - help out at the Olympics by being a "hugger," passing out drinks, or distributing
*Halloween Carnival - set up a booth and invite other clubs on campus to sponsor a carnival for children
    for a safe Halloween.
*Tree Planting (Arbor Day) - plant a tree for more oxygen!
Mentoring/Tutoring Program - go over to a local elementary school and tutor the kids in various subjects!
Drives - any type of drive works really well! However, besides the usual food drive, canned food drive,
    or clothes drive, try something like a baby food drive, sock drive, school supplies drive, book drive,
    and etc.!
*Christmas Cards for Veterans, the elderly, and children in the Pediatric Wards - basically make cards
    and then go around and distribute them.
Spring Carnival - Same ideas as the Halloween Carnival except maybe have bike safety and invite the
    Police Department and the Fire Department.
Salvation Army Angel Tree - have classes at your school sponsor children on the Angel Tree.
Toys for Tots - this is a toy drive!
Soup kitchens - go in and serve food weekly.
*Easter Egg Hunt - put on an Easter Egg hunt for children and distribute candy and have the Easter
    Bunny there.
Kids Overnight - sponsor a safe sleep over for elementary school aged children in a gym and have
    games and food!
Clean-Ups - you can clean up a beach, park, or your school campus!
Reading Day at the Library - read to children at your local library.
Hospital Visitation - visit the elderly, children, and other patients in the hospital to cheer their days up.
Adopt-a-Family - adopt a family, and provide food and other necessities for them.
Care Packages to a Shelter - put together care packages for a shelter. The packages can include
    necessities such as toiletries and other items.
Make Cards - make cards for any occasion and deliver them to various hospitals and senior citizen
CPR Clinic - hold a CPR clinic.
Freshman Orientation - help out at freshman orientation.
Ideni-Child - help out with your local police department's fingerprinting children and etc.
Recycling - place recycling boxes and trash cans in each classroom and make weekly trips to
    the recycling center.
Homeless Shelter - help out at the homeless shelter.
Admission Tickets - collect tickets at games.
Health Fair - pass out posters.
Gum Scraping - exactly what it says. Scrape the gum off of those desks!
*Painting Easter Eggs - paint Easter Eggs and distribute them to children.
Building/Painting Houses - help out and build or paint a house with Habitat for Humanity.
Baby-sit - during meeting or at church.
Newspaper staff - help them out and distribute.
Speech and Debate Tournament - volunteer to be a timer.
Special gifts for Teacher Appreciation Day - give them a special breakfast.
Litter on Roads - clean it up.
Setting Up Chairs and Tables - set up chairs and tables at events.
Marathons - help raise money and pass out water at the events.
Graduation- set up, clean up, and usher.
Ronald McDonald House - bring the food and cook dinner!
Teen Voices - Make PSAs (public service announcements) about KEY club.
Painting Playground Equipment - paint the playground equipment at a local elementary school or park.
Host Exchange Students - basically host an exchange student! or show them around school!
Distribute Skates- promote safe skating.
Dance for Senior Citizens - put on a dance for senior citizens.
Drug Free Graduation Night - sponsor and promote a drug free grad night!
Leadership Camp for Builders Clubs - sponsor a leadership camp for Builders Clubs.
Nursing Homes and Senior Citizen Centers - visit them and put on a talent show for them or talk with
*Haunted House - hold a haunted house for little kids for a safe Halloween.
Wheelchair Bowling - sponsor a Wheelchair Bowling Competition.
Distribution around the school - distribute yearbooks, programs, and etc.
Blood Drive - hold a blood drive at your school.
Information Table at various school events - have an information table during Open House,
    Back-to-School Night, and etc.
Posters - put up posters for school activities.
Walks - walk for AIDS and various other diseases.
*Valentines for Veterans - make Valentine's Day cards for veterans and deliver them in person.
Stuff envelopes - help out your school's office by stuffing envelopes during registration and etc.
Yard Cleaning - clean-up yards.
Pet Adoption - help out with pet adoptions.
Pass Out Schedules - pass out schedules at registration.
Chaperone at middle school dances - serve food, clean-up trash, help with noise control, etc.
Distribute Fliers about IDD and Pediatric Trauma - distribute fliers to promote public awareness.
Hospital Volunteering - help out in a hospital gift shop, etc.
Emergency Lodge Bookshelf - at a shelter for battered women and children, build bookshelves and
    stock them. Then go and read to them.
Scavenger Hunt for Canned Foods - search for certain canned food but collect them all.
*Christmas Tree Recycling - promote Christmas Tree Recycling. Offer to take peoples' christmas trees
    to be recycled.
*Rose Float Decoration - help out with the entire Kiwanis Family and decorate floats!
*Summer School - Collect Trash.
Help Out on a Political Campaign - help out with voter registration, making phone calls, stuffing
    envelopes, and etc.
Collect Glasses - collect glasses (similar to a drive of any sort)
Make up a holiday - when you visit senior citizens or young children, make up and celebrate a holiday!
Arts and Crafts Week at Local Elementary School - sponsor an arts and crafts week at an elementary
Children's Homeless Shelter - visit there and help out.
Beautify Campus before Homecoming - clean up your school before a dance or huge social event.
Parks and Recreation Department - call up your local Parks and Recreation Department and see if you
    can help out with any events.
Ice Cream Award - buy ice cream/popsicles for elementary school children who have received good
*Gobbling for Cans - collect cans during Thanksgiving for food baskets.
*Gift-Wrap - in the holiday spirit, wrap gifts for people at the mall.
Horse Camp - help out at a horse camp with rides, etc.
Puppet Show - put on a puppet show at a local library or elementary school for children.
Help Train Special Olympics - help train kids in Special Olympics in a sport.
*Veterans Day Cards - make these cards and deliver them to veterans.
Birthday Party for Underprivileged Kids - get together with your local Boys and Girls Club for those
    who have birthdays each month.
Happy Hats - decorate hats for terminally ill kids who are losing hair because of treatment.
Letters to Servicemen and Women in Bosnia via Operation Dear Abby - write letters and send gifts to
    servicemen and servicewomen in Bosnia. Addresses are as follows:
    Any Service Member                             Navy and Marine
    Operations Joint Force                          Any Service member
    APO AE 0937-001                                  Operations Joint Force
                                                                       FPO AE 09398-0001
Hearts - collect fabric and make hearts and stuff them. Then embroider them and deliver them to the elderly and young in the hospital.

If you still need project ideas, here are some places to call or web sites to visit! :)
Drug Free America
Drug Free School Programs
National Safety Belt Coalition: (202) 296-6263
National Safety Council: (708) 775-2022
Safe Kids: (202) 884-4993
Children's Miracle Network: 4525 S. 2300 East, Suite 202 Salt Lake City, Utah 84117
Salvation Army
Youth Center
Habitat for Humanity: Campus Charters and Youth Programs Department 121 Habitat St. Americus, GA
Boys and Girls Club (National Headquarters): 1230 W. Peachtree St. NW Atlanta, CA 30309
American Red Cross: 8111 Gatehouse Rd. Falls Church, VA 22042; (876) 984-7860 Ext. 3
Beet Buddies: 100 E. Second St. Miami, Florida 33131; (305) 374-2233
Big Brothers/Sisters: 230 North 13th St. Philadelphia, PA 19107; (215) 567-7000
Child Welfare League: 440 First St. NW 3rd Floor Washington, DC 20001-2085
Children's Defense Fund: 25 E St. NW Washington DC 20001; (202) 662-3674
Child Watch: (202) 628-8787
Student Leadership Network for Children: (202) 662-3797
Coalition for America's Children: 1-888-544-KIDS or (202) 638-5770
Common Cents: 500 Eight Ave. New York, NY 10018
FFA: PO Box 68960 Indianapolis, IN 46268-0999
Kabooom!!: 2213 M Street NW, Suite 200 Washington DC 20009; (202) 659-0215
National Program for Playground Safety: Safety School of HPELS: Univ. of N. Iowa Cedar Falls, IA;
Oxfarn America: 26 West St. Boston, MA 022111; 1-800-597-FAST or (617) 728-2488
Ryan White Foundation: 1717 W. 86th St. Suite 200 Indianapolis, IN 46260
Safe Haven Projects, INC: PO Box 24 Vineyard Haven, MA 02568; (508) 693-1767 or (413) 586-4662
National Safe Kids: 1301 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 1000 Washington DC 20004-1707;
    (202) 662-0600 or (202) 939-4993
Save the Children-America: 54 Wilton Rd. Westport, CT 06880
Special Olympics: 1325 G St. NW Suite 500 Washington DC 20005; (202) 628-3630
United Way of America: 701 N Fairfax St. Alexandria, VA 22314-2045; (703) 836-7100
California Coastal Commission: 1-800-COAST-4U
Humane Society (Humane Society of the U.S.)

Ahh! The best ways to make money for various organizations, and fundraisers for Convention are
    right here! :)
Halloween Insurance - go around and tell people that you'll clean their houses for them should anything
    happen to their houses (i.e. toilet papered or egged)
Tournament - any tournament is great! You can have a ping pong tournament or a miniature golf tournament
    where you fine people if they go over par.
Pizza and Soda Sales at Games - sell pizza and soda!
Car Washes - wash a lot of cars! You can even advertise a "topless" car wash - - where you won't wash the
    top of the car unless they pay an extra dollar.
Holiday Grams - for any holiday sell packs of candy with messages written from one person to another
    (Halloween-o-Grams, Clover Grams, etc.)
Dance - sponsor any kind of dance and people will be coming!
Date Auction - this is proven to work! Get people to auction themselves off for a good cause and the
    money will start rolling in!
Candy Sales - the oldest one of them all still works! People will always want candy during school!
Pancake Breakfast - sponsor one with your local Kiwanis.
Yard Sale - just like any other yard sale except the profits will be going somewhere else besides your
    own pocket.
Laundry Alert - go around a college campus and offer to do their laundry for what it would cost them to
    do it. Don't mix up the laundry and charge them an extra 25 cents for fabric softener! After all you're
    saving them valuable time!
Senior Auction - auction off seniors to underclassmen who will be served by the seniors all day long!
Roses for Valentine's Day - sell roses for Valentine's Day!
Gift Wrapping - wrap gifts at a local mall.
Penny Drive - get people to donate their money for a good cause.
Radio Station - get on air and then get people to phone in pledges.
Dig into School Garbage Cans for Bottles and Cans - take them to a recycling center and collect on the
Kiss a Senior Good-bye - people can buy their senior friends Hershey's kisses and send them a message!
Date Match - sponsor a date match program.
Silent Auctions - works the same as the auction.
Entertainment Books - sell them!
Food Booth - people will be hungry/thirsty at games, so give the people what they want, at a cost of course!
Coin or Change Drives - get people to donate lots of change! That way it adds up to a considerable amount!
Service Auction - auction off KEY clubbers to various offices and people and the KEY clubbers will then
    clean up offices, run errands, or etc. for the day.
A-thon - any of these work really well! have a Dance-a-Thon, Walk-a-Thon, Run-a-Thon, Bake-a-Thon, etc.
Bobbing for Hot Dogs - take one hot dog and wrap a $20 bill around it. Then make the Jell-O rise about 6
    inches and let it sit for one night. The next day, take a $10 bill and wrap it around a hot dog and let that
    sit for one night too. Do the same with 2 $5 bills, and 10 $1 bills. People take turns to bob at 50
    cents a person.
Baked Goods Eating Contest - see how fast people can eat a cake!
Hairy Leg Contest - collect money from people to get others to shave their legs.
Talent Show - sponsor a talent show.
Bake Sale of Smoothies Sale - hold a bake sale or try a new and creative smoothie sale.
Dog Walking - walk dogs for people.
Face Painting - do this at a carnival and paint faces!
Dunk Tank - good way to cool off in the summer!

Well, everyone loves a party or a dance! Here are some socials where you can just hang out with your
    fellow KEY clubbers and have some more fun! :)
Bowling Social - go bowl! :) Everyone will have fun!
Awake-a-Thon - what better way to bond than all through the night? :)
Christmas Caroling - go caroling through neighborhoods and then gather at someone's house for popcorn,
    hot chocolate, apple cider, etc.!
Kiwanis Family Dance - hey! What about those Circle-K'ers and KIWINS, time to mingle and bond! And
    try getting Kiwanians to be chaperones!
Guest Speakers - hold an event and get a guest speaker there!
Pool Party - time to party out in the sun! :)
Bonfires - have a party at the beach and have a bonfire at night!
Movie Socials - watch some great movies and have some fun!
Homeroom Decorating - decorate the classrooms together!
Karaoke - some brave person will get up there and sing! :)