Welcome to this page. Here I am experimenting with my first dose of HTML. It's a lot easier than it looks, but there seems to be a lot of things to remember. Here are a few things I have to remember:
1. Save as a text document, with no breaks in the name, and .htm or .html at the end.
2. Update which page I'm on, right now I'm on page-- 102 --in the book.
3. After writing the code, save the document, and look at it in Internet Exploder! Make sure the formatting looks right!!!
4. Spell check the page and then spell check anything Andrew is making, he needs it :)
Here's a schedule for my week: Day Original Activity New Activity Time Span ---------- ------------------------- ----------------------------------------- -------------- MondayBe happyLament for the past Whole day TuesdayBe happyTry to feel better Whole day WednesdayBe happyRealize that life isn't horrible Whole day ThursdayBe happyDo homework 2 minutes FridayBe happyParty, get mind off school and people After school
Here are a few activities that I do afterschool:
H2O Polo
Web Page Designing
Think about the cool number, 73, and why it's appealing
Things I learned accidently:
To find the date in MS-DOS, at the prompt type: date and press ENTER
To find the time in MS-DOS, at the prompt type: time and press ENTER
These are some color effects I now know:
It has just come to the attention of the maker of this page, that is to say, Chris Dwyer, that this page has come to the attention of real people. These people seem to be viewing the page, reading the text, and even enjoying it. Included among these people is one Andrew Hvatum. He is a member of the online TFC clan which oddly labes themsleves wOwie, or something like that. He is a distinguished member of the elitist group titled AC-Studios. His comments are as follows:
This is a neato-weeto idea. I wish I thought of it. It seems to display the ideas of html in different cattergories and colors which just mystify my mind! I just can't stop looking at it, by the way, what color is teal really? It's like almost green, but then almost gray, and yet almost blue. That also mystifies me, well to think of it, many things mystify me. Take for example margarin. . .
That's when we cut him off because he just rambles on and on. He's kind of absent minded. Talking about absences, I wonder how many I have at school. I'm usually there but many times I come in late, teachers ask me for help and such like that since they don't know much. Talk about not knowing much, teachers make me wonder about how stupid society is. How can someone with so little knowledge be expected to pass that on to another person? They usually don't even know how to put their pencils in one spot, much less put the right information in the minds of children!
Here's something I bet everyone wants to know about, my life goals. Well even if u don't want to know them, I don't care, learn them anyway!
Now I'm just gonna get crazy with the lists!!! PS. I need to find something other than the P command to write with. It's just too structured.
Here are the clans that ended due to splintering off and they clans that resulted:
Here are a few animated pics that I've come across and tend to reuse:
This is my blue stress ball.
I love it and on my site you'll find at least four of them.
Treat them nicely and they'll relieve you're stress.
Actually, that's a lie, I just like the idea that it bounces up and down and squishes all around.
Here's an add for a great webdesigner:
© 2012 Chris Dwyer
(That's right, the world is ending right as I copyright this page.)