!!! Now we start to look for colleagues in the USA who would provide hosting for our site mirror in exchange of a hosting for their mirror site on zoology in Novosibirsk on the server of our Museum. Please, contact to the web-master Dr. V. V. Dubatolov.
The Museum was founded in 1960 as a laboratory named Zoological
Museum in the Biological Institute of the Siberian Division of the Academy
of Science of the USSR. Its first head was Prof. I.V. Stebaev (in 1960-1964),
than it was headed by B.S. Yudin (1965-1981), Prof. A.I. Tsherepanov (1981-1982),
Prof. G.S. Zolotarenko (1983-1987).
Total area of the Museum is 400 m
Since 1987 the Museum is headed by Prof. Vyacheslav Genrikhovich
Mordkovich.If you want to know the museum history, please, click here!
Main divisions of the Museum are:
The Museum staff consists of 21 person, 16 of which are curators of particular collections:
Mordkovich, Vyacheslav
Genrikhovich, Prof., Sc.D. (Insecta, Coleoptera)
Zolotarenko, Georgii Sergeevich, Prof., Sc.D. (Insecta,
Lepidoptera, mainly Noctuidae; Hemiptera)
Barkalov, Anatolii Vasil'evich, Sc.D. (Insecta,
Dubatolov, Vladimir Viktorovich,
Ph.D. (Insecta: Lepidoptera,
Hymenoptera: Vespidae)
E-mail: vvdubat@online.nsk.su
Logunov, Dmitrii
Viktorovich, Ph.D. (Araneae, Opiliones)
E-mail: mzfasdvl@mail1.mcc.ac.uk
Zholnerovskaya, Elena
Iosifovna, Ph.D. (Mammalia)
E-mail: ermolaev@bionet.nsc.ru
Berezina, Olga Georgievna, Ph.D. (Hexapoda,
Dudko, Roman Yur'evich, Ph.D. (Insecta,
E-mail: rdudko@online.nsk.su
Knor, Olga Ivanovna, Ph.D. (Acarina,
Legalov, Andrei Aleksandrovich
(Insecta, Coleoptera:
Curculionoidea, Dermestidae)
Lyubechanskii, Il'ya Igorevich, Ph.D. (Insecta,
Marchenko, Irina Igorevna, Ph.D. (Acarina,
Sergei Eduardovich, Ph.D. (Insecta, Coleoptera)
E-mail: sch@online.sinor.ru
Vasilenko, Sergei
Vladimirovich, Ph.D. (Insecta, Lepidoptera: Geometridae;
Hymenoptera: Symphyta)
Korshunov, Yurii Petrovich (Insecta,
Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea, Hesperioidea)
E-mail: mu2@eco.nsc.ru
Zintshenko, Vadim Konstantinovich (Insecta,
Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae; Reptilia,
E-mail: vzinchenko@online.nsk.su
Galina Nikolaevna, post graduate student (Araneae, Opiliones)
E-mail: mu3@eco.nsc.ru
Official address:
Siberian Zoological Museum
Institute of Animal Systematics
and Ecology
Siberian Branch of the Russian
Academy of Sciences
Frunze street 11
Novosibirsk 91
630091 RUSSIA
Phone: +7(3832)170633
FAX: +7(3832)170973
E-mail: mu@eco.nsc.ru
This Web site was written with a financial
support of the Open Society Institute,
and Russian Foundation of Basic Research, grant No 00-07-90318.
This page was accessed
times since March, 6, 1999