1. Dubatolov, V.V. & Sergeev, M.G. (1977): Elements of zoogeographical analysis of butterflies in mountains of South-Eastern Kazakhstan. In: Materials of All-Union Science Student Conference "Student and Scientific and Technical Progress". Biology. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University Press, p. 23-26 (in Russian).

2. Dubatolov, V.V. & Sergeev, M.G. (1981): Features of butterflies fauna of the Ob' pine forests and its protection. In: Fauna and ecology of Arthropoda of Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press. Siberian Dept., p.38-40 (in Russian).

3. Dubatolov, V.V. & Sergeev, M.G. (1982): New hairstreaks of the tribe Theclini (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from the USSR. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie [Revue d'Entomol. de l'URSS], t. 61, No. 2, p. 375-381 (in Russian).

3a. Dubatolov, V.V. & Sergeev, M.G. (1982): New hairstreaks of the tribe Theclini (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from the USSR. Entomological Rev., Wash., vol. 61, No. 2, p. 123-130 (an English translation of the former).

4. Dubatolov, V.V. (1982): On a specific composition of hawk moths (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) of the Soviet Far East. In: Beneficial and pest insects of Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press. Siberian Dept., p. 87-76 (in Russian). - (series "Fauna of Siberia").

5. Zolotarenko, G.S. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1982): On a distribution of species of the genus Syntomis O. (Lepidoptera, Syntomidae) in Siberia. In: Beneficial and pest insects of Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press. Siberian Dept., p. 107-112 (in Russian). - (series "Fauna of Siberia").

6. Sergeev, M.G. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1983): The main tendencies of butterfly insects associations changes in conditions of diffuse-type town and its environs (on an example of the Novosibirsk Academy town). In: Living Nature Protection (theses of All-Union Conference of Young Scientists. November 1983). Moscow, p. 175-177 (in Russian).

7. Dubatolov, V.V. (1984): Borearctia gen.n. a new genus for the tiger-moth Callimorpha menetriesi (Ev.) (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie [Revue d'Entomol. de l'URSS], t. 63, No. 2, p. 336-339 (in Russian).

7a. Dubatolov, V.V. (1984): Borearctia gen.n., a new genus for the tiger moth Callimorpha menetriesi (Ev.) (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) // Entomological Rev., Wash., vol. 63, No. 2, p. 157-161 (an English translation of the former).

8. Dubatolov, V.V. & Sergeev, M.G. (1984): New data on skippers of the genera Parnara Moore, Pelopidas Wlk. and Polytremis Mab. (lepidoptera, Hesperiidae). In: Arthropods and helmints. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press. Siberian Dept., p. 45-50. (in Russian). - ("New and little known species of Siberian fauna", No 17).

9. Dubatolov, V.V. & Korshunov, Yu.P. (1984): New data on taxonomy of the butterflies of the USSR (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera). In: Arthropods and helmints. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press. Siberian Dept., p. 51-57. (in Russian). - ("New and little known species of Siberian fauna", No. 17).

10. Dubatolov, V.V. & Ustyuzhanin, P.Ya. (1984): Spialia doris (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae) - a new for the USSR fauna species of skippers. Vestnik zoologii (Kiev), No. 4, p. 81-82 (in Russian).

11. Nasyrova, S.R., Dubatolov, V.V. & Sergeev, M.G. (1984): Main directions of antropogenetic orthoptera and butterfly insects fauna and associations transformation in steppes and forest-steppes of West Siberia. In: VIII All-Union Zoogeographical Conference. Moscow, p. 115-116 (in Russian).

12. Dubatolov, V.V. (1985): On systematics of tiger moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) genus group Diacrisia Hb. - Rhyparia Hb. In: Systematics and biology of arthropods and helmints. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press. Siberian Dept., p. 66-71 (in Russian) - ("New and little known species of Siberian fauna", No. 18).

13. Dubatolov, V.V. (1985): Tiger moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) of South Siberian mountains. Report 1. In: Arthropods of Siberia and the Far East. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press. Siberian Dept., p.134-159 (in Russian). - (series "Fauna of Siberia").

14. Dubatolov, V.V. (1985): Rhyparioides metelkana (Lederer, 1861) (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) in Siberia. Vestnik zoologii (Kiev), No. 5, p. 7 (in Russian). (repeated: 1986, No. 5, p.86).

15. Dubatolov, V.V. (1985): Notes on the Holoarctia cervini complex (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). I. Holoarctia marinae sp. n. from Altai. Annales Entomologici Fennici, t. 51, No. 2, p. 57-58.

16. Korshunov, Yu.P. & Dubatolov V.V. (1986): New for the USSR fauna species and subspecies of butterflies. Vestnik zoologii (Kiev), No. 3, p. 87 (in Russian).

17. Dubatolov, V.V. (1986): First data on the food plants of yakutian Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera). Vestnik zoologii (Kiev), No. 3, p. 87 (in Russian).

18. Dubatolov, V.V. & Sergeev, M.G. (1987): Notes on the systematic of hairstreak's genus Neozephyrus Sibatani et Ito (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae). In: Insects, mites and helmints. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press. Siberian Dept., p. 18-30. (in Russian). - ("New and little known species of Siberian fauna"], No. 19).

19. Dubatolov, V.V. (1987): On systematics of the genus Micrarctia Seitz, s. lat. (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). In: Insects, mites and helmints. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press. Siberian Dept., p. 30-47. (in Russian). - ("New and little known species of Siberian fauna", No. 19).

20. Dubatolov, V.V. (1987): Arctia rueckbeili Pungeler (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) in the USSR fauna. Vestnik zoologii (Kiev), No. 3, P. 87 (in Russian).

21. Schintlmeister A., Dubatolov V. V., Sviridov A. V., Tshistjakov A.Yu., Viidalepp J. (1987): Verzeichnis und Verbreitung der Notodontidae der UdSSR (Lepidoptera). Nota Lepidopterologica (Basel), vol. 10, No. 2, S. 94-111.

22. Korshunov, Yu.P. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1987): Melitaea sutschana Staudinger (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) in Transbaicalia. Vestnik zoologii (Kiev), No. 5, p. 86 (in Russian).

23. Korshunov, Yu.P. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1987): On new objects of Zoological Museum of the Biological Institute SB AS USSR collections. In: Butterflies of the USSR. Lecture theses to the seminar "Systematics, faunistics, ecology, protection of butterflies". 2-5 October 1987. Novosibirsk, p. 53-55 (in Russian).

24. Dubatolov, V.V. & Korshunov, Yu.P. (1987): Notes on rare Lepidoptera from Asian part of RSFSR. In: Problems of rare alimals protection. Moscow, p. 160-162 (in Russian).

25. Dubatolov, V.V. (1987): A new species for the USSR fauna of the thyatirid moths (Lepidoptera, Thyatiridae), with a description of a new subspecies. In: Lepidoptera of the Far East of the USSR. Vladivostok: DVO AN SSSR Press, p. 61-64 (in Russian).

26. Sergeev, M.G., Bugrov, A.G. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1988): Order Lepidoptera. Methodical guide to insect determination. Part 3. Novosibirsk: Novosibirsk State University Press, 21 p.

27. Sergeev, M.G. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1988): Features of butterfly (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) associations in in conditions of a diffuse town (on an example of the Novosibirsk Academy town. In: Landscape ecology of insects. - Novosibirsk: Nauka: Press. Siberian Dept., p. 75-80. (in Russian).

28. Dubatolov, V.V. & Murzin, V.S. (1988): A first finding of Rapala coerulea (Bremer et Grey) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in the U.S.S.R. Vestnik zoologii (Kiev), No. 4, p. 87. (in Russian).

29. Dubatolov, V.V. & Korshunov, Yu.P. (1988): New data on systematics of satyrids (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) from Yakutia and the Southern Far East of the U.S.S.R. In: Taxonomy of animals from Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka: Press. Siberian Dept., p. 59-65. (in Russian). ("New and little known species of Siberian fauna", No. 20).

30. Dubatolov, V.V. (1988): A species review of the genus Chelis Rbr. (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) from the fauna of the U.S.S.R. In: Taxonomy of animals from Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka: Press. Siberian Dept., p. 80-98. (in Russian). ("New and little known species of Siberian fauna", No. 20).

31. Dubatolov, V.V. & Vasilenko, S.V. (1988): Some new and little known Lepidoptera (Macrolepidoptera) from Yakutia. In: Insects of field-taiga biocenoses of Yakutia. Yakutsk: YF SO AN SSSR Press, p. 60-68. (in Russian).

32. Tshistjakov, Yu.A. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1987 [1988]): Thyatirids of the genus Epipsestis Matsumura, 1921 (Lepidoptera, Thyatiridae) from the U.S.S.R. fauna. In: New data on systematics of insects from the Far East. Vladivostok: DVO AN SSSR Press, p. 133-137. (in Russian).

33. Zolotarenko, G.S. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1988): Tatarinov's hawk-moth Callambulyx tatarinovi Bremer et Grey, 1858. In: The Red Book of the Buryat ASSR. Animals and plants. Ulan-Ude: Buryat Book Press, p. 223-224. (in Russian).

34. Dubatolov, V.V. (1988): Lapponia tiger moth Pararctia lapponica Thunberg, 1791; alpine tiger moth Acerbia alpina Quensel, 1802; decorate tiger moth Platarctia atropurpurea Bang-Haas, 1927; Buryat tiger moth Sibirarctia buraetica Bang-Haas, 1927; Kindermann tiger moth Sibirarctia kindermanni Staudinger, 1897. In: The Red Book of the Buryat ASSR. Animals and plants. Ulan-Ude: Buryat Book Press, p. 224-229. (in Russian).

35. Dubatolov, V.V. (1989): Revision of the genus Axiopoena (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Vestnik zoologii (Kiev), No. 1, p. 8-13. (in Russian).

36. Daritsheva, M.A. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1989): Fauna and ecology of tiger moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) from Turkmenistan. News of the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmen SSR. Series of biological sciences. Ashkhabad, No. 2, p. 39-44. (in Russian).

37. Dubatolov, V.V. & Tshistjakov, Yu.A. (1989): A new species of the genus Palearctia (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) - an interesting example of a convergent affinity in tiger moths. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, vol. 68, No. 11, p. 141-143. (in Russian).

38. Dubatolov, V.V., Daritsheva, M.A. & Krasil'nikova, G.A. (1989): Persian White - Pieris persis Vrty. (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) - a new species for a fauna of the U.S.S.R. News of the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmen SSR. Series of biological sciences. Ashkhabad, No. 6, p. 40-42. (in Russian).

39. Dubatolov, V.V. (1989): New species of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Satyridae) from Middle Asia. In: Lepidoptera of Middle Asia. Leningrad: Zoological Institute AS USSR Press, p. 136-140. (in Russian). (Proceedings of Zological Institute AS USSR, vol. 200).

40. Dubatolov, V.V. & Korshunov, Yu.P. (1990): New genus of Lycaenidae tribe Theclini (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from Southern Primorye. In: Rare insects, mites and insects. Novosibirsk: Nauka: Press. Siberian Dept., p. 66-69. (in Russian). ("New and little known species of Siberian fauna", No. 21).

40a. Dubatolov, V.V. & Korshunov, Yu.P. (1991): A new genus of Lycaenidae Theclini (Lepidoptera) from Southern Maritime Territory. Entomol. Rev., vol. 70, No. 4, p. 133-135. (an English translation of the former).

41. Dubatolov, V.V. (1991): New taxa of tiger moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae: Arctiinae) from the Palearctic. In: Rare insects, mites and insects. Novosibirsk: Nauka: Press. Siberian Dept., p. 79-86. (in Russian). ("New and little known species of Siberian fauna", No. 21).

41a. Dubatolov, V.V. (1991): New Taxa of Arctini (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) from the Palearctic Region. Entomol. Rev., vol. 70, No. 4, p. 144-149. (an English translation of the former).

42. Dubatolov, V.V. (1990): A new tiger moth species for the USSR fauna - Carcinopyga lichenigera C. et R. Felder, 1874 (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Vestnik Zoologii (Kiev), No. 2, p. 87. (in Russian).

43. Daritsheva, M.A. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1990): A fauna and ecology of lappet moths (Lepidoptera, Lasiocampidae) from Turkmen SSR. News of the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmen SSR. Series of biological sciences. Ashkhabad, No. 2, p. 27-33. (in Russian).

44. Dubatolov, V.V. & Zolotarenko, G.S. (1990): On some species of the genus Meganola Dyar, 1898 (Lepidoptera, Nolidae). Vestnik Zoologii (Kiev), No. 4, p. 87. (in Russian).

45. Dubatolov, V.V. (1990): New taxa of tiger moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae: Arctiinae) from the Palearctic. 2-nd report. In: Taxonomy of insects and helmints. Novosibirsk: Nauka: Press. Siberian Dept., p. 89-101. (in Russian). ("New and little known species of Siberian fauna"], No. 22).

46. Ustjuzhanin, P.Ya. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1990): On a fauna of pyraloid moths (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea) from Yakutia. In: Arthropods and helmints. Novosibirsk: Nauka: Press. Siberian Dept., p. 87-93. (in Russian). (series "Fauna of Siberia").

47. Dubatolov, V.V. & Zolotarenko, G.S. (1990): On a fauna of tiger moths (Lepidoptera: Nolidae, Arctiidae) from the West Siberian plain. In: Arthropods and helmints. Novosibirsk: Nauka: Press. Siberian Dept., p. 122-139. (in Russian). (series "Fauna of Siberia").

48. Dubatolov, V.V. (1990): Tiger moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae) of South Siberian mountains. Report 2. In: Arthropods and helmints. Novosibirsk: Nauka: Press. Siberian Dept., p. 139-169. (in Russian). (series "Fauna of Siberia").

49. Dubatolov, V.V. (1990): A new genus of family Arctiidae (Lepidoptera). In: News of faunistics and systematics. Kiev: "Naukova Dumka" Press, p. 89-90. (in Russian).

50. Dubatolov, V.V. (1991): Moths from Southern Sakhalin and Kunashir, collected in 1989. Part 1. Macroheterocera, excluding Geometridae and Noctuidae. Japan Heterocerists' J., No. 161, p. 182-187.

51. Dubatolov, V.V. (1991): New for the USSR fauna and little known butterflies (Lepidoptera, Satyridae, Lycaenidae) from the Central Kopetdagh mountains. Vestnik Zoologii (Kiev), No 3, p. 87. (in Russian).

52. Dubatolov, V.V. & Ustjuzhanin, P.Ya. (1991): Moths from Southern Sakhalin and Kunashir, collected in 1989. Part 2. Microheterocera: Hepialidae, Zygaenidae, Limacodidae, Thyrididae, Pyraloidea, Pterophoridae, Alucitidae. Japan Heterocerists' J., No. 164, p. 249-252.

53. Dubatolov, V.V. (1991): Distribution of Arctiinae (Lep., Arctiidae) of the USSR. In: Fourth European Congress of Entomology. XIII Internationale Symposium fur die Entomofaunistik Mitteleuropas. Godolo: Hungarian Natural History Museum, Abstract volume, p. 47.

54. Tshistjakov, Yu.A., Dubatolov, V.V. (1990 [1991]): Lichen moths of the genus Stigmatophora Staudinger, 1841 (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae, Lithosiinae) from the USSR fauna. In: News of systematics and faunistics of insects from the Far East. Vladivostok: DVO AN SSSR Press, p. 86-96. (in Russian).

55. Dubatolov, V.V. (1991): Pardalina tiger moth, Tancrea pardalina Pungl. (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae: Arctiinae) - a new species for Turkmenistan fauna. News of the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmen SSR. Series of biological sciences. Ashkhabad, No. 5, p. 67-69. (in Russian).

56. Dubatolov, V.V., Daritsheva, M.A. & Samodurov, G.D. (1991): Satyrid fauna (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) from Turkmenistan. News of the Academy of Sciences of the Turkmen SSR. Series of biological sciences. Ashkhabad, No. 6, p. 42-49. (in Russian).

57. Zolotuhin, V.V. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1992): A new species of Lasiocampidae from Tajikistan (Lepidoptera). Atalanta (Wurzburg), Bd. 23, Heft 1/2, p. 215-217, fig. 1-4.

58. Dubatolov, V.V. (1992): New subspecies of butterfly families Nymphalidae and Satyridae from Yakutia. Vestnik Zoologii (Kiev), No 6, p. 40-45. (in Russian).

59. Dubatolov, V.V. & Zolotuhin, V.V. (1992): A list of the Lasiocampidae from the territory of the former USSR (Insecta, Lepidoptera). Atalanta (Wurzburg), Bd. 23, Heft 3/4, p. 531-548.

60. Dubatolov, V.V. (1993): Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea) from Turkmenistan mountains. Abstract of PhD thesis. Novosibirsk, 25 p. (in Russian).

61. Dubatolov, V.V., Tshistjakov, Yu.A. & Viidalepp, J. (1993): A list of the Lithosiinae of the territory of the former USSR (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). Atalanta (Wurzburg), Bd. 24, Heft 1/2, p. 165-175.

62. Dubatolov, V.V., Tshistjakov, Yu.A. & Ammosov, Yu.N. (1991 [1994]): Tiger moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae: Arctiinae) from North-Eastern USSR. In: Entomological researches in North-Eastern USSR. Vladivostok: DVO AN SSSR Press, No. 2, p. 48-65. (in Russian).

63. Dubatolov, V.V. (1994): Moths from Southern Sakhalin and Kunashir, collected in 1989. Part 5. Microheterocera: Tortricidae. Japan Heterocerists' J., No. 176, p. 10-15.

64. Dubatolov, V.V., Sergeev, M.G. & Zdanko, A.B. (1994): New and little known species of the butterfly genus Hyponephele Muschamp, 1915. Atalanta (Wurzburg), Bd. 25, Heft 1/2, p. 171-177.

65. Zolotarenko, G.S. & Dubatolov V.V. (1994): An addition to the noctuid fauna (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) of the North-Eastern Altai. In: Animal world of the Sayan-Altai mountain land. Materials of a regional scientific conference (15-17 of December). Gorno-Altaisk: Gorno-Altaiskii State University Press, p. 57-68. (in Russian).

66. Dubatolov, V.V. (1993-1994 [1994]): Tiger-moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae: Arctiinae) of the former USSR: the distribution throughout countries and regions. Actias (Moscow), vol. 1, No 1-2, p. 11-17.

67. Dubatolov, V.V., Antonova, E.M. & Kosterin, O.E. (1993-1994 [1994]): Eversmannia exornata (Eversmann, 1837), the only known representative of the Epiplemidae family (Lepidoptera) in West Palearctic. Actias (Moscow), vol. 1, No 1-2, p. 19-23.

68. Dubatolov, V.V., Mordkovich, V.G. & Tshenyshev, S.E. (1994): New findings of the tiger-beetles of the genus Cicindela L. (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Siberia (from the collection of Zoological Museum in the Institute for Systematics and Ecology of Animals SD RAS). Russian Entomol. J., vol. 3, No 1-2, p. 3-5.

69. Dubatolov, V.V. & Kosterin, O.E. (1994): A new subspecies of the Euchloe ausonia Hubner species group from the highlands of the Dzhungarian Alatau (East Kazakhstan). Atalanta (Wurzburg), Bd. 25, Heft 3/4, p. 513-520.

70. Korshunov, Yu.P., Kosterin, O.E., Zolotarenko, G.S., Dubatolov, V.V., Vodyanov, K.Yu. & Malkov Yu.P. (1995): Materials on Lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Insecta) for the Red Book of the Altai Republic. In: Materials for the Red Book of the Altai Republic. Gorno-Altaisk, p. 97-115. (in Rissian). - (Zolotarenko, G.S. & Dubatolov, V.V. Decorate scoopwing Eversmannia exornata (Eversmann, 1837), p. 98; Emperor Moth Eudia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1761), p. 98-100).

71. Dubatolov, V.V., Zolotarenko, G.S. & Utkin N.A. (1995): Moths from Southern Sakhalin and Kunashir, collected in 1989. Part 6. Noctuidae. Japan Heterocerists' J., No. 184, p. 140-150.

72. Zolotarenko, G.S. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1995): A new species of the genus Maliattha Walker, 1863 from South Primorye (Russian Far East) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Atalanta (Wurzburg), Bd. 26, Heft 1/2, p. 299-301.

73. Dubatolov et al. (1995): Erebia kosterini P.Gorbunov, Korshunov, Dubatolov, sp.n., p. 123; Erebia occulta sokhondinka Dubatolov et Zintshenko, ssp.n., p. 128; Polyommatus icarus omelkoi Dubatolov et Korshunov, sbsp.n., p. 184. In: Korshunov, Yu. & Gorbunov, P. Butterflies of the Asian part of Russia: a handbook. Ekaterinburg: Uralskii State University Press, 202 p. (in Russian).

74. Dubatolov, V.V. (1996): Three contribution to the knowledge of palearctiic Arctiinae. Neue Entomologische Nachrichten, Band 37, 89 p.:
74a. Dubatolov, V.V. 1. Sinowatsonia, a new genus of Arctiidae from Tibet (China) (on the systematics of the genus Micrarctia Seitz s.l., Part 2). In: Dubatolov V.V. Three contribution to the knowledge of palearctiic Arctiinae. Neue Entomologische Nachrichten, Marz 1996, Band 37, p. 5-8, 88-89.
74b. Dubatolov, V.V. 2. A review of the genus Palearctia Ferguson (on the systematics of the genus Micrarctia Seitz s.l., Part 3). In: Dubatolov, V.V. Three contribution to the knowledge of palearctiic Arctiinae. Neue Entomologische Nachrichten, Marz 1996, Band 37, p. 9-37, 88-89.
74c. Dubatolov, V.V. 3. A list of the Arctiinae of the territory of the former U.S.S.R. (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae). In: Dubatolov, V.V. Three contribution to the knowledge of palearctiic Arctiinae. Neue Entomologische Nachrichten, Marz 1996, Band 37, p. 39-87.

75. Dubatolov, V.V. & Zolotarenko, G.S. (Dec. 1995 [Aug. 1996]): New taxa of Acronictinae (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) from the mountains of South Siberia. Actias (Moscow), t. 2, No 1-2, p. 33-36.

76. Zolotarenko, G.S. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1996): Decorate scoopwing Eversmannia exornata (Eversmann, 1837). In: The Red Book of the Altai Republic. Animals. Novosibirsk, p. 58. (in Russian).

77. Dubatolov, V.V. (1996): A catalogue of type specimens of the Palearctic tiger moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae, Arctiinae), being deposited in a collection of Zoological institute RAS (St.-Petersburg). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie [Revue d'Entomol. de l'URSS], t. 75, No 2, p. 338-356. (in Russian).

77a. Dubatolov, V.V. (1996): A catalogue of type specimens of Palaearctic Tiger Moths (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae, Arctiinae) preserved in the collection of Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg) // Entomol. Rev., vol. 76, No. 3, p. 373-390 (an English translation of the former).

78. Sergeev, M.G., Stebaeva, S.K. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1996): Dynamics of insect biodiversity in urban landscapes. In: Fifth International Congress of Systematics and Evolutionary Biology. Origins and Evolution. Abstracts. Budapest, 1996. - P. 290.

79. Dubatolov, V.V. & Milko, D.A. (1996): Fam. Lasiocampidae - Lappet Moths. In: A Cadastre of a genetic fund of Kyrghyzstan, vol. 3. Superclass Hexapoda (Entognatha and Insecta). Bishkek, p. 230-231. (in Russian).

80. Dubatolov, V.V. (1996): Fam. Arctiidae - Tiger and Lichen Moths. In: A Cadastre of a genetic fund of Kyrghyzstan, vol. 3. Superclass Hexapoda (Entognatha and Insecta). Bishkek, p. 242-244. (in Russian).

81. Dubatolov, V.V. & Belyaev, E.A. (1996 [1997 [Feb.]): Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) from an interriver territory between the Ryazanovka nad Gladkaya Rivers (Primorskii Krai Province, Khasan District). In: A. I. Kurentsov's Annual Memorial Meetings. - No. VII. - P. 73-100. - (in Russian).

82. Dubatolov, V.V. (1997): New data on taxonomy of Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae and Satyridae (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) of the Asian part of Russia. Far Eastern Entomologist, No 44, p. 1-12.

83. Mordkovich, V.G., Tshernyshev, S.E., Dubatolov, V.V. & Lyubechanskii, I.I. (1997): An influence of a gradient of continentality on a biodiversity structure in Eurasian steppes. In: Speppes of Eurasia: a nature diversity conservation and a monitoring of ecosystem condition. Materials of Intarnational Symposium "Steppes of Eurasia". Orenburg, p. 112-113.

84. Dubatolov, V.V. & Zolotarenko, G.S. (1997): New for the Russian fauna species of Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) from Primorye. Vestnik Zoologii. Kiev, No. 1-2, p. 32. (in Russian).

85. Dubatolov, V.V. (1996 [1997 May]): A new species of Hemerobius L. (Neuroptera, Hemerobiidae) from the North-East Altais. Russian Entomological Journal, vol. 5, No 1-4, p. 89-90.

86. Streltzov, A.N. & Dubatolov, V.V. (1997): A new subspecies of Syrichtus cribrellum (Eversmann, 1841) from the Amur Province. Atalanta (Wurzburg), Bd. 28, Heft 1/2, p. 125-128.

87. Dubatolov, V.V., Ustjuzhanin, P.Ya. & Zintshenko, V.K. (1997): A review of the Ethmiidae of the Asian part of Russia and neighbouring territories. Atalanta, Wurzburg. - Bd. 28, Heft 1/2. - P. 161-171.

88. Dubatolov, V.V. (1997): Gynaephora (rossii) lugens - a parthegenetic species? Arctic Insect News, No 8, p. 2-3.

89. Dubatolov, V.V. & Lvovsky A.L. (1997): What is true Ypthima motschulskyi? Trans. lepid. Soc. Japan, vol. 48, No 4, p. 191-198.

90. Dubatolov V.V. (1997): A new subspecies of Eumedonia eumedon (Esper) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) from the Russian Far East. Far Eastern Entomologist, No. 51, p. 9-10.

91. Mordkovich, V.G., Lyubechanskii, I.I., Chernyshev, S.E., Dubatolov, V.V. (1998): An influence of a gradient of continentality on a biodiversity structure in Eurasia. In: Problems of Entomology in Russia. Proceedings of XI Conference of Russian Entomological Society (Sept. 23-26, 1997, St.-Petersburg). St.-Petersburg: Zoological Institute Publ., vol. II, p. 41-42. (In Russian).

92. Dubatolov, V.V. (1998): A review of Neuropteroidea (Insecta: Megaloptera, Raphidioptera, Neuroptera) of West Siberia. In: The Invertebrates of animals of the South Transural region and the neighbouring territories. (The materials of the All-Russian conference, April 14-16, 1998). Kurgan: Kurgan State University Publ., p. 113-123. (in Russian).

93. Dubatolov, V.V. & Utkin, N.A. (1998): New data on the Lepidoptera (Insecta) of Kurgan region. In: The Invertebrates of animals of the South Transural region and the neighbouring territories. (The materials of the All-Russian conference, April 14-16, 1998). Kurgan: Kurgan State University Publ., p. 124-129. (in Russian).

94. Dubatolov, V.V. (1998): Social wasps (Hymenoptera, Vespidae: Polistinae, Vespinae) of Siberia in the collection of Siberian Zoological Museum. Far Eastern Entomologist, No. 57, p. 1-11.

95. Dubatolov, V.V., Korshunov, Yu.P., Gorbunov, P.Yu., Kosterin, O.E., Lvovsky, A.L. (1998 June): A review of the Erebia ligea-complex (Lepidoptera, Satyridae) from Eastern Asia. Trans. lepid. Soc. Japan, vol. 49, No. 3, p. 177-193.

96. Dubatolov, V.V., Ustjuzhanin, P.Y. (1998): A new Ethmia species (Ethmiidae) from Turkmenistan. Nota lepidopterologica, vol. 21, No 2, p. 101-105.

97. Sergeev, M.G., Dubatolov, V.V., Pokivajlov, A.A. (1998): Long-term dynamics of insect assembleges in semi-arid and arid ecosystems of Russia. Proc. Intern. Congr. Ecol., Florence, 19-25 July 1998 Italy. - P. 382.

98. Korshunov, Y.P., Dubatolov, V.V. (1998): [Mellicta menetriesi] westsibirica [Korshunov et] Dubatolov, sbsp. n. - P. 18; [Clossiana chariclea] tshuktsha Dubatolov et Korshunov, sbsp. n. - P. 21; [Clossiana astarte ssp.] suntara [Korshunov et] Dubatolov, sbsp. n. - P. 22. In: Korshunov, Y. Novye opisaniya i utochneniya dlya knigi "Dnevnye babochki aziatskoi chasti Rossii" [New descriptions and additions for the book "Butterflies of Asian part of Russia"] Novosibirsk, 71 p. (in Russian).

99. Dubatolov, V.V. (1998): The black Amazon ant Polyergus nigerrimus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), new to the fauna of Mongolia. In: Ants and forest protection. Materials of the 10-th All-Russian Mirmecological Symposium, Peshki, 24-28 August 1998. Moscow, p. 140. (in Russian).

100. Dubatolov, V.V. (1998): Maslowskia oreas (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Russia: description of a female, data on distribution and phenology. Zool. Zhurnal., vol. 77, No. 7, p. 867-869. (in Russian).

101. Dubatolov, V.V., Kosterin, O.E. (1998): A history and origin of nemoral Lepidoptera fauna in Siberia. In: Biological diversity of animals in Siberia: Materials of scientific conference. Tomsk, p. 50-52. (in Russian).

-. Tkachenko, E.E., Brinikh, V.A., Dubatolov, V.V. (1999): [Introduction]. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 3-4 (in Russian).

102. Dubatolov, V.V. (1999): Stone Flies (Insecta, Plecoptera) of the Onon Dauria, Southern Dauria, and Mongolian Dauria. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 41-43 (in Russian).

103. Dubatolov, V.V., Sergeev, M.G. (1999): Orthoptera of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve and its surroundings. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 44-56 (in Russian).

104. Dubatolov, V.V. (1999): Insecta Neuropteroidea (Megaloptera, Rhaphidioptera, Neuroptera) of the Dauria International Nature Reserve and its surroundings. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 57-66 (in Russian).

105. Dubatolov, V.V. (1999): Social wasps (Insecta, Hymenoptera: Vespinae, Polistinae) of the the Daurskii State Nature Reserve (South-East Siberia). In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 67-69 (in Russian).

106. Zintshenko, V.K., Dubatolov, V.V., Lyubechanskii, I.I. (1999): Hister beetles (Coleoptera, Histeridae) of the the Onon Dauria and South Dauria. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 76-80 (in Russian).

107. Lyubechanskii, I.I., Dubatolov, V.V. (1999): Burying beetles (Coleoptera, Silphidae) of the the Onon Dauria and South Dauria. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 81-82 (in Russian).

108. Dubatolov, V.V., Kosterin, O.E. (1999): Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea) of the Dauria International Nature Reserve. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 138-194 (in Russian).

109. Dubatolov, V.V., Kosterin, O.E. (1999): Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Hesperioidea, Papilionoidea) of the Argun' Basin. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 195-221 (in Russian).

110. Dubatolov, V.V., Gordeev, S.Yu. (1999): A new finding of Pieris brassicae (L.) (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) in the Chita Province. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 222-223 (in Russian).

111. Dubatolov, V.V., Brinikh, V.A. (1999): New data on Heterocera (Insecta, Lepidoptera: Macrolepidoptera) of the Daurskii State Nature Reserve. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 228-240 (in Russian).

112. Dubatolov, V.V., Zolotarenko, G.S. (1999): New data on noctuids (Insecta, Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) of the Daurskii State Nature Reserve and its suroundings. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 256-260 (in Russian).

113. Zintshenko, V.K., Dubatolov, V.V., Tshernyshev, S.E. (1999): New findings of Scarabaeidae (Insecta, Coleoptera) in Turkmenistan. Vestnik of Kazakhskii State University, biological series, No. 7, Almaty, p. 63-65 (in Russian).

114. Dubatolov, V.V., Streltzov, A.N. (1999): A new subspecies of Satyrus ferula from the Amur Province (Lepidoptera, Satyridae). Atalanta (Wurzburg), Bd. 30, Heft 1/4, p. 125-128, colour plate IXa.

115. Dubatolov, V.V., Streltzov, A.N. (1999): New findings of butterflies (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) in the Amur Region. Proceedings of the Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, Vol. 18, No 1: Nature Sciences, p. 26-29 (in Russian).

116. Tshernyshev, S.E., Dubatolov, V.V. (2000): A new species of long horn beetle from East Siberia (Insecta: Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Reichenbachia. Staatliches Museum fur Tierkunde Dresden, Bd. 33, Nr. 49, p. 385-389.

117. Streltzov, A.N., Dubatolov, V.V. (2000): New record of Hemaris staudingeri Leech, 1890 (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) from the Russian Far East // Far Eastern Entomologist, No. 86, p. 11-12.

118. Mordkovich, V.G., Barkalov, A.V., Vasilenko, S.V., Grishina, L.G., Dubatolov, V.V., Dudko, R.Yu., Zinchenko, V.K., Zolotarenko, G.S. Legalov, A.A., Marchenko, I.I., Tshernyshev, S.E. (2000): Concentration of species richness of arthropods in West-Siberian forest-steppe of Northern Asia // Biodiversity and dynamics of ecosystems in Northern Eurasia. - Vol. 3. Section "Diversity of the fauna of North Eurasia". Part 1. Novosibirsk, Russia, August 21-26, 2000. - Novosibirsk, p. 79-80.

119. Mordkovich, V.G., Dubatolov, V.V., Zholnerovskaya, E.I., Kosterin, O.E. (2000): Siberian Zoological Museum of the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology, SB RAS (an Internet site) // Biodiversity and dynamics of ecosystems in Northern Eurasia. - Vol. 3. Section "Diversity of the fauna of North Eurasia". Part 1. Novosibirsk, Russia, August 21-26, 2000. - Novosibirsk, p. 81-83.

120. Zolotarenko, G.S., Dubatolov, V.V. (2000): A check-list of Noctuidae (Lepidoptera) of the Russian part of the West Siberian plain. Far Eastern Entomologist, No. 94, p. 1-23.

121. Dubatolov, V.V., Kosterin, O.E. (2000): Nemoral species of Lepidoptera (Insecta) in Siberia: a novel view on their history and the timing of their disjunctions // Entomologica Fennica, vol. 11. - P. 141-166.

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