Seamonkey's deepest of deep thoughts for you to read.
- If you are dumb, always tell smart people you are following in their footsteps.
- Broken Yoyos don't work.
- Don't play with a yoyo in the dark.. it could hit you.
- Whenever somebody says anything, ask "Why?"
- If you beat somebody up at the playground, and the principal asks you why you did it, relpy: "BECAUSE STONE COLD SAID SO!"
- Don't play with fire, or you'll become a pyro.. trust me
- At school, when asked what your name is reply: "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmit." get one of your friends to yell: "That's my name too!"
- Open a 3 card monte stand at your locker. Charge people to play.
- You can create a personal strobe light if you blink your eyes hard and fast enough.
- Call in on the radio enough times and you might get your own show.
More Engaging Thoughts coming soon!
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