One Holocaust denier, Arthur Butz, sees three principle reasons for the widespread but false belief in the legend if millions of Jews killed by the Germans during WWII: U.S and Britis troops found horrible piles of corpses in the west German camps they captured in 1945 (e.g Dachau, see photos.)Also, there were no longer large communities of Jews in Poland. Historians generally support these said happenings or events.
To elaborate on Butz's theories he continues to describe why there were so few Jews after World War Two. During both World Wars Germany was forced to fight typhus, carried by lice in the constant traffic with the east. Butz explains that that is why all accounts of entry into the German concentration camps speak of shaving of hair and other delousing procedures, such as the treatment of quarters with the pesticide Zyklon B. That was also the main reason for high death rates in the camps and why crematoriums had to be built.
Butz then proceeds to describe why and how minority groups, supposedly diseased, were chosen to be imprisoned. When Germany collapsed in chaos, then, of course, all such defenses ceased, and typhus and other diseases became rampant in the camps, which housed mainly political prisoners, ordinary criminals, homosexuals, conscientious objectors, and Jews sent for labor.
Mr. Butz says the great majority of the millions allegedly exterminated were East Europeans, not German or West European Jews. For that reason, study of the problem using population statistics is difficult if not impossible, but it is a fact that there are no longer large communities of Jews in Poland. However, Germans were only one of several parties involved in moving Jews around. He says that the Soviets deported virtually all the Jews of Eastern Poland to the interior in 1940. After the war, with Polish and other Jews pouring out of the east into occupied West Germany, Zionists moved in large numbers to Palestine, the US and other countries, in most cases under conditions making it impossible to count. Also, Polish borders were changed drastically at the end of the war; the country was literally moved west.
To explain Arthur R. Butz’s final theory, Butz says it is easy to show that the extermination “legend” deserves skepticism. “Even the casual reader of Holocaust literature knows that during the war virtually nobody acted as though it was happening. Thus it is common to criticize the Vatican, the Red Cross, and the Allies for their ignorance and inaction, and to explain that the Jews generally did not resist deportation because they did not know what was in store for them.”
“If you take all of this into account, plus the fact that for almost three years German trains, operating in a densely populated region of Europe, were moving millions of Jews to their deaths regularly, nobody noticed except for a few of the Jewish leaders who were making public extermination claims. And even the Jewish leaders did nothing, who could not have been ignorant of extermination if those claims had any validity.”
In response to Arthur R. Butz claims, there is much contrary evidence. It has always been said that the obviously smaller communities of Jews after the war were due to the mass extermination of Jews during the Holocaust. They were gassed in chambers with a pesticide called Zyklon B, which was the means that the Germans decided to use when they met at the Wanassee Conference to figure out how to wipe out the Jewish population.
The Jews were told that they were traveling to a better land. On the way to the camps and later when the extermination process was evident, Jews were forced to comply with their fate and often shot after little argument or for no reason at all. After extermination, the bodies were put in crematories, where they were burned. But the Germans had more bodies than they could handle for, in addition to the exterminations, people died from starvation, dehydration, minor colds, and suicide. More crematories had to be built.
Facts and evidence support the reality of this piece of history. It would be hard to make all oral testimonies and all the physical evidence the same if it was completely false. The oral testimonies are too evil and sad to be fake, and the photos of starving people and piles of corpses tell of the cruelty of the camps, not of a perpetuated hoax.
A Short Introduction to Holocaust Revisionism-Arthur Butz -Arthur Butz's webpage