Welcome to the unofficial New Life homepage!
This is a very new site, as you might have noticed, so everything is
still under construction and parts may be unfinished or missing.
Please have a little patience with us as we start up this site.
I'll try to update this as often as possible until the site is fully
functional (whatever that means... :) and maybe
I'll pass it on to some other New Lifer to update. This page
is highly formatted and everything, so I advise you use IE 4.0
at 800X600 @ 16bit color. (At least)
This particular page is just a starting point and a
list of new additions/improvements to the site. The list may be
technical and uninteresting, but it helps me keep track of what I'm
doing, so... :)
In any case, thanks for visiting, and you're probably
sick of hearing me anyway, so take a look around!