The night before the day of the Interview I was busy printing all the emails and a few chats from ICQ since I wanted to be prepared just in case it's gonna be asked from me. I left home at around 2:30 AM because I wanted to be the first one in line as much as possible and I was LOL!
Bad news is that we have a storm so it has been pouring while the people were standing in line soaking in the rain argh! Anyway the gates opened at 6:30 and all the immigrants set for interview (including Fiancée) were let in.
We all submitted our appointment letters at Window X although it was not open yet, and when it did the person assigned at that window gathered all the letters and after a few other windows opened, they started calling up each applicant.
When my name was called, I proceeded to the window where my documents/requirements were to be submitted. The person asked me too many IMPERTINENT questions... the nerve! LOL! He obviously asked a lot than the consul who did the interview. Again, THE NERVE! LOL! A lot were sent away if they're papers are not complete like if the affidavit of support was notarized and if they didn't have the 3 years income tax of the petitioner. In the case of Fiancée Visa applicants, you would be sent away if you have not paid the $45 visa fee which should be paid at the appointed banks of the US Embassy or if you don't have the NSO Single Status.
Since my documents were all arranged, well and complete; I was told to take a sit and wait for my name to be called for the interview. I met a lot of Fiancée Visa applicants there and we were all chatting and showing pics of our Fiancé LOL! But when the consuls started calling for interview we all fell silent and started freaking out LOL!
I proceeded to the consul who called my name. The interview started at exactly 10 AM. The consul looked so friendly and he was a real nice guy! Here's how the interview went...
Consul : Hello :-) have a sit please... ( I noticed he was reading and checking all my papers including the ones we filed at the INS for the Fiancée visa application and all other stuff my Fiancé submitted)
Ana : Goodmorning :-)
Consul : You must be very cold :-) (noticing my still wet hair from the rain lol)
Ana : Yeah it's really pouring outside! :-)
Consul : I'm sure... Anyway I have here all your documents for the K1 Visa... will you please raise your right hand :-)
Ana : (raised left hand instead LOL cmon I'm so nervous but kept smiling LOL) Ooops! hehehe (so i raised my right hand)
Consul : (smiling wildly now lol) ok Ana do you swear blah blah blah that you will tell me the truth and testify that all written in these documents are true?
Ana : Yes :-)
Consul : Very well... who is petitioning you?
Ana : Mr. (told him Fiancé full name)
Consul : So how did the two of you meet?
Ana : On the net hehehe ( I tried to be cool and relaxed as much as possible although inside I feel like fainting lol)
Consul : Oh how is that? Did you use any chat programs? :-)
Ana : Well we met at MIRC then transferred to ICQ and taught him a lot about it :-)
Consul : I see so how long have you known him?
Ana : For more than a year now...
Consul : Like since when? Early last year?
Ana : Yes morelikely started February or March 98
Consul : Ok so how did it all started? :-)
Ana : Well... (blushing lol) we were best of friends on the net till we started calling each other on the phone.
Consul : When did you start calling each other?
Ana : After 3 months since we met on the net :-)
Consul : (nodding) Yeah I see a huge phone bills here that you two submitted (grinning) He's paying $1000 to $2500 a month for phonebills you must be really special to him (smiling) So what does he do?
Ana : Yeah I know we tried to cut down lol well he is a Manager at ------
Consul : I see so why did you meet in Hongkong?
Ana : Well #1 thats the package he got from the travel agency #2 we have never been to hongkong yet lol
Consul : Ok :-) Has he visited Philippines yet?
Ana : No :-)
Consul : Did your parents approved of him?
Ana : Well at first No since they freaked out when they found out I flew to hongkong to meet him being the only daughter lol but when they did meet him parents instantly adores him lol
Consul : Oh he met them already? How did they meet? (confuse)
Ana : Mom invited him for dinner and oh my parents lives in NY by the way... :-)
Consul : Oh so that's where they met I thought here in the Philippines... Yeah a lot of people move to NY. So what made you like/love him?
Ana : Well he is verrrrry responsible, he knows what he wants and most of all it's his attitude of how he loves his family. Family to him is a big deal just like me :-)
Consul : That's good they must be really close to each other :-)
Ana : Yes very eventhough they all live apart he never forgets to call them :)
Consul : That's nice... I see that your a well organized. Your papers are complete... when do you plan to leave?
Ana: On the 28th ... I have the ticket already... It's his birthday on the 29th! (sheepishly lol)
Consul : Oh what date is today (looking at a calendar) well you'll get your visa on Tuesday hmnnn you think that's enough time since it takes 2 days for your visa to be ready? :-)
Ana : Yes I was expecting that lol
Consul : You plan well :-) But don't forget to take the Seminar before leaving you will be needing their stamp :-)
Ana : Yes I know :-)
Consul : Well please go to the cashiers,(handing me a white paper with my name on it) you will not be paying anything its only for us to keep tracking records :-) Then come back again to me in this same window :-)
Ana : Ok :-) Thanks!
*** I went to the cashiers at the Left wing of the Immigration Office and submitted that paper and the lady input my name in the computer and gave me a receipt and told me to go back to his window.
Ana : THANK YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH!!! May I know your name please? I wanted to invite you to our church wedding :-) When are you going back to the US?
Consul : Oh thats an honor but I am not so sure when I am coming home but you can send me pictures or cards if you really like:-) (stamping and signing the receipt from the cashier)
Ana : Well if it isn't for you.... :-)
Consul : I'm just doing my job and I wish you happiness and best of luck in your marriage life! Congratulations to both of you! :-)
Ana : Thank you :-)!
Consul : Well you will have to go back here on Tuesday to claim your visa stamped in your passport between 1 to 2 PM :-) (handed me the clamining ticket which says IMMIGRANT VISA PICKUP and he attached the receipt I got from the cashier)
Ana : Got it and Thanks again and again lol ( I was so hyper that time lol)
Well that's it!!! Just DON'T BE NERVOUS AND BE YOURSELF! :-) Relax and you'll do fine :-)